Orthodontic users might find it disturbing as the metal parts of the braces will cause soreness and discomfort . Displacement of arch wire may take place when tooth moved and causes irritation to the oral mucosa and produce traumatic ulcers.
Orthodontic users may even hinder themselves from speech and eating to avoid contacting with the sharp components. ORTHODONTIC WAX is your ultimate solution.
Orthodontic wax is normally supplied in forms of roll or rope , provided in a small portable container for consumers to carry around.
So,How do you use Orthodontic wax?
Pinch a small piece of orthodontic wax and roll into a small pea size ball. Then flatten it to put at that area that causes irritation. Normally orthodontic wax is supplied in clear form so it blends with natural tooth colour.
What are the other alternatives to prevent irritation from dental braces?
Alternatives such as sugar less chewing gum, swimming ear wax can be used as substitutes for orthodontic wax.
If soreness is not due to sharp wires, rinse with warm water. You can get topical anaesthetics gels like orabase to relieve the soreness. You can use the end of the pencil to push the broken wire into a more comfortable position.
Report to orthodontist during appointment about areas that cause soreness .
Drugs to relieve pain can be used but it might hinder tooth movements. So, only consume during times where pain is unbearable.
Oops, I accidentally swallowed my orthodontic wax? Will it cause a harm to my body?
Do not be panic as orthodontic wax is non toxic and can be passed out naturally.
Where do you buy Orthodontic Wax?
Orthodontic wax is either supplied by your orthodontist or you can easily get from pharmacies or drug stores .
Brands available for orthodontic wax :
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Butler Orthowax,
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â GC Orthowax ,
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â DENTEK Orthodontic wax,
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â PLAK Smaker Orthodontic Wax.
Price range for a packet of orthodontic wax is around $1- $2.
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