How to Kiss With a Partial Denture

Wearing dentures can take a bit of practice, especially when it comes to inserting them and taking them out. Most people will adapt to dentures relatively easily, however, with just a bit of practice. You’ll also find that most normal activities, like speaking and eating, even whistling, can be done with dentures as well. Kissing with dentures is essentially the same as kissing without them. If you’re feeling nervous about the idea, there are a few things you can do to help relieve your anxiety and ensure a pleasant experience for all concerned.


  1. Consider informing your partner that you have dentures. While many people choose not to do this until they’re very close to the other person, knowing that the other person is aware of your dental state may help assuage your own concerns.
  2. Keep your mouth and dentures fresh and clean. This includes cleaning your dentures twice daily with a soft brush and denture cleaner, as well as keeping your natural teeth clean as well. Food debris that are stuck between your false and natural teeth can turn into tartar, which will induce bad breath. The natural teeth beside the false teeth is also very susceptible to caries if not taken well care of.
  3. Patients are always advised to take out their denture at night just before they sleep, and soak the dentures in a cup of water. This not only helps your gums which are covered by the denture to rest, it also prevents fungal infection. There are companies which has developed denture cleanser tablets that can be dissolved in a cup of water which the dentures are soaked in. This can further reduce the chances of infection, thus prevent foul smell from the dentures.
  4. Denture adhesive powder and cream

    Apply a denture adhesive. There are many brands on the market that help keep your dentures firmly in place. Some come in cream form and others are strips that stick to dentures like tape. Denture adhesive keeps your teeth from sliding out of your mouth, which is great if you plan on doing some kissing.

  5. If you discovered that you have run out of denture adhesive, or you do not have denture adhesive, and your date is reaching in five minute’s time,  there are multiple household items that you can use instead of commercial denture adhesive. They work just as well and are great substitutes in emergency like these. However, you must remember that they are just a temporary solution, and it is better to get a tube of denture adhesive from the store or pharmacy for future use.
  6. Insert your dentures and press them firmly into place over your gums. Let them set for 10 minutes — so that you know that they’re secure — before you start puckering up. Try doing some lip movements to make sure that they are not going to be dislodged easily, such as pulling your upper lip outwards, downwards and inwards. You can also do exaggerated funny faces to ensure the retentiveness of your denture.
  7. Press your mouth to your significant other's lips

    Pucker your lips slightly, making sure not to apply too much suction to your teeth. Press your mouth to your significant other’s lips. Kiss softly, not forcefully. If you want to French kiss, go at it gently and try not to bang your dentures against your partner’s teeth. That would not only hurt but it also might dislodge your dentures.

  8. Enjoy yourself. Many denture wearers — or partners of denture wearers — report that kissing remains a very natural, easy experience. You can try to explain to your partner that he/she would not run into anything strange or unusual, and that it feels natural in the mouth as anybody else’s. From time to time your partner might have to be reminded to not kiss so hard or so passionately, as the gums are still healing under the denture. This case scenario is especially true if you have just undergo some surgery or extraction right before you put on your denture. Sometimes when your partner  tries to kiss you, he/she might press into your face a little too much and this pushes the denture against the gums. It might result in tenderness and discomfort to you. So if you see your partner leaning in too much, you can tell your partner gently so that your partner will not end up hurting you unintentionally.

It is a learning process for both of you, but in time, you and your partner will adjust just fine.

Tips & Warnings

  • Be aware of whether the clasps or fasteners for your partial dentures are showing or not

    Be aware of whether the clasps or fasteners for your partial dentures are showing or not. They’re usually constructed not to at first, but may begin to show more as time goes on. This is the only instance in which your partner might notice some difference from usual kissing.