Author Archives: chzechze

Kids Dental Health Activities

If you have a hard time getting your kids to brush their teeth, try to create some dental health activities for them to get to know their teeth better. This can make your kids more interested in their oral hygiene, and at the same times, make brushing seem less tedious and boring. Continue reading

Mechanical Requirements of Dental Implants

Surface properties is the main reason for the use of titanium in medical technology. However, mechanical properties like elasticity and density/strength values are an additional clear advantage of titanium over other metals, because the supported or replaced natural structures of the human body are normally even more elastic and lightweight than titanium. Continue reading

Plaque 101 Part 2

The following program, when followed nightly, can aid in the prevention of plaque, tooth decay and gum disease.


Dry brushing. The first step is brushing every tooth with a dry toothbrush at the gum crevice, both on the inside and on the outside of teeth. Hold the brush at a 45-degree angle to the teeth and slide the bristles closest to the inside of the upper lip under the gum. Vibrate the brush, making sure the tips of the bristles rotate under the gums (rather like scrubbing the cuticle of a fingernail). Use about ten quick rotations of the brush per tooth, trying not to lift the brush at any point (it’s been found that a person invariably lifts the brush on the same teeth time after time, and those teeth never get the right amount of cleaning). On the inside of the front teeth, hold the brush like a lollipop, parallel to the teeth, and brush with the tip, making sure the bristles slip under the gum. If you want to make sure the bristles get under the gum, bite the brush gently and you’ll force the bristles up. Continue reading

Plaque 101 Part 1

Everyone’s feelings about their teeth are different; some people are better able or willing to follow a home care program than others. What we hope to do is give you a general description of how to remove plaque from your teeth at home. Without a doubt, the most effective way to learn the techniques is to have them demonstrated to you (ideally by your dentist or their assistant). All dentists prefer to have patients interested in prevention. It makes their job easier, and patients actively concerned with keeping their teeth healthy appreciate treatment more. Continue reading

OSHA Requirements for Dental Offices

The mission of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is to save lives, prevent injuries, and protect the health of America’s workers. As part of the Department of Labor, OSHA and the states that operate OSHA-approved state plans establish guidelines and standards to promote worker safety and health that apply to every workplace in the United States, including medical and dental offices. Continue reading

Questions to Ask Your Periodontist Before Dental Implants

Dental implants are becoming an increasingly popular option for replacing missing teeth. Traditionally, dentists have relied upon bridgework or dentures to replace teeth that have been lost. Implants have advantages over other methods but are more expensive. Ask your periodontist if dental implants are the right choice for you.

Is your implant dentist a board certified specialist? Continue reading

Soft Night Guard Recommendations

A night guard, sometimes spelled “nightguard,” is a piece of hard or soft plastic or silicone molded (in some cases) to fit the shape of your teeth. Its purpose is to keep teeth from grinding into one another. A night guard is worn while sleeping and taken out in the morning. A night guard is also a popular treatment for TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder. Night guards are sometimes used in place of a nightly retainer, because a night guard also serves to keep the teeth in place as well as prevent grinding and clenching. Night guards are a well-known treatment for bruxism, otherwise known as tooth grinding and jaw clenching. Continue reading

Information About Lost Wax Technique in Dental Crowns

The lost wax technique originally goes back to ancient times and is believed to have probably originated in China or Egypt. The method was employed to create figurines and objects in gold. Then in 1907, a centrifugal casting machine was invented by William H. Taggart. Although he patented his idea using the lost wax technique, he lost the patent when it was discovered another dentist had written a paper on the same idea some 25 years earlier. Continue reading

Implanted Pacemaker Dental Precautions

The implantation of a pacemaker can affect your ability to safely undergo various medical tests and procedures. Dental procedures, X-rays, MRI’s, CAT scans, bone density tests, mammograms and ultrasounds can affected pacemakers because of the reaction of the energy waves involved in the tests and the electronic components of the pacemaker. Continue reading

How to Use Dental Records to Prevent Kidnapping

Whenever the evening news brings the story of a kidnapped child or teen, the terrifying prospect of abduction fills the minds of parents across the country. But it’s important to remember that most kids pass through childhood safely.

One of the challenges of being a parent is teaching your kids to be cautious without filling them with fear or anxiety. Although some dangers do exist, you lessen the chances that your child will be abducted.

The Reality of Child Abductions

The circumstances surrounding child abduction are often quite different from the way they’re shown in TV shows and movies. Continue reading