Author Archives: oileng

Why Are My Teeth Discolored? Part 1


Our teeth can discolor for various reasons. From dietary stains to in-born conditions, many factors can play a role in making our teeth not as perfect as we want it to be. Therefore it is important that normal variation in the color of teeth be distinguished from tooth discoloration due to disease origin (pathological). Continue reading

Tooth Resorption Part 2

Continued from Part 1


Pressure or mechanical resorption

Root resorption associated with pressure or mechanical stimulation may be seen in individuals undergoing orthodontic treatment and can be caused by the application of excessive force. It occurs in the apical region and the resorbed area undergoes repair and remodeling when the cause is removed. It is possible that excess force could cause an aseptic death of the periodontal ligament, followed by inflammation. Pressure may also be a factor in root resorption associated with tumors or, occasionally, cysts involving the roots of teeth. Continue reading

Tooth Resorption Part 1


The natural shedding of baby teeth follows the progressive resorption of the roots by cells resembling osteoclasts (Cells that functions in the breakdown and resorption of bone tissue). This physiological resorption may be an inherent developmental process or it may be related to pressure from the permanent successor against the overlying bone or tooth. Continue reading

Tooth Pain After Filling Part 2

Continued from Part 1


Teeth grinding habit

Clenching and grinding or bruxing of the teeth can cause additional occlusal load or stress to the teeth and may lead to fracture of a restored tooth, causing pain. Continue reading

Tooth Pain After Filling Part 1


Teeth fillings are placed to restore a tooth back to its functional or aesthetic state. Besides tooth decay, tooth filling is also done for cracked and broken tooth, worn teeth, bruxism (teeth grinding) and other reasons. However the problem of tooth pain after filling is done can be quite common. Continue reading

Pain in the Face and Mouth Part 4

Continued from Part 3


Chronic post-traumatic headache

Most persons who have had head injuries have local pain or tenderness at the site of impact for a few hours or even for a few days, after which many become symptom-free. However up to one half of all persons who injure their heads sufficiently to warrant hospitalization develop chronic post-traumatic headaches. Continue reading

Pain in the Face and Mouth Part 3

Continued from Part 2


Temporomandibuar joint

Pain from the temporomandibular joint may result from dysfunction, trauma, acute or chronic inflammation, or primary or secondary cancerous tumors. Examination may reveal the masticatory (chewing) muscles tender to palpation or occasionally the joint swollen and warm to touch or tender to palpation via the external auditory meatus. Pain from the temporomandibular joint: Continue reading

Pain in the Face and Mouth Part 2

Continued from Part 1


Acute periapical periodontitis

Pain associated with acute perapical periodontitis:

  • Is spontaneous in onset

  • Is moderate to severe in intensity

  • Persists for long periods of time (hours)

  • Is worsen by biting on tooth and in more advanced cases, even by closing the mouth and bringing the affected tooth gently into contact with the opposing teeth. In these cases, the tooth feels ‘high’ (extruded) and is sensitive to touch Continue reading

Pain in the Face and Mouth Part 1


Everyone has experienced pain at least once in their lifetime. Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential damage or described in terms of such damage. Pain is not only a sensory experience, its relation with tissue damage may not be constant and it is often associated with affective and cognitive responses. Continue reading