Author Archives: samanthaloh

Interested in the different types of Porcelain Dental Crowns?

porcelain fused metal crowns, dental crowns, porcelain crownsTypes of Porcelain Dental Crowns

Porcelain crowns refers to a dental crown which are made up of porcelain or silica material just like vases and clay pots. Dental porcelain crowns are mainly divided into two types. The first being  a porcelain fused metal crown (PFM) that uses metal as a base and porcelain covering the metal . The second type is an all porcelain crown , this type of crown only uses porcelain as the main material. Continue reading

What are Dental Crowns ?

Dental crowns, gold crownsDental Crowns

A  dental crown as a cap which is shaped like a tooth that is placed over a naturally prepared tooth to cover the tooth and  restore its shape and size, strength and to improve its appearance.

The main aim of dental crowns are to protect damaged, cracked or broken down teeth. A crown strengthens your existing, damaged tooth so as to preserve its functionality and its existence in our mouth. Continue reading

Most asked questions on Dental Implants part 3

implants, implant , dental implants, dental implant costCould implants possibly be cancerous ?

No instances has been reported in the dental or medical literature of dental implants causing cancer.

Are Implants Inserted for aesthetic or cosmetic reasons ?

Not usually. The primary objective of the dental implants is to give additional support to replacement teeth. Cosmetic enhancement is possible with the replacement teeth, However, and expectation should be fully discussed before treatment. Continue reading

Most asked questions on Dental Implants part 2

implants, implant , dental implants, dental implant costAre my other medical concerns a factor for getting dental implants ?

Definitely, all patients are provided with a health questionnaire. The patient should be healthy, without any interruption to proper healing. When appropriate, the patient’s medical practitioner is informed of the treatment provided by the dental surgeon, as well as the medication prescribed. Continue reading

Most asked questions on Dental Implants part 1

implants, implant , dental implants, dental implant costWhat are implants?

An implant is a synthetic replacement for a tooth root that allows the person to have a non removable tooth or a more secure dental restorations. There are several types of dental implants. During consultation, the dental surgeon will recommend the best treatment option and the type of implant to cater to the patients needs. Continue reading

Dental care for babies

Baby Toothbrush_BlueTeething Babies

Teething is a natural phenomenon that usually occurs with little or no problems. Nevertheless, some infants or teething babies exhibit signs of stress or complications  which includes rising of temperature, diarrhea, dehydration, increased salivation, skin eruptions and stomach disturbances. Increased fluid consumption, a non aspirin analgesic and palliative are consisting of the use of teething rings to apply cold and pressure to the affected areas generally reduce the symptoms and results in happier babies. Do not try to puncture or lance the gum tissues to aid the eruption of the baby teeth. If the symptoms mentioned above continue to persist for more than 24 hours , the baby should be examined by a physician to rule out any upper respiratory tract infection and any other disease conditions. Continue reading

Suffering from painful canker sore part 2

prednisoneCanker sore Treatment

So, how to treat canker sores ? In patients with a few or minor canker sores, usually no treatment is needed apart from simple canker sore relief like a canker sore mouthwash . This simple canker sore  remedies can be made at home just by mixing sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in warm water to keep the mouth clean. However, when patients are more severely affect, some form of canker sore medicine can provide significant control but not necessarily an effective way on how to heal a canker sore. Rational treatment would include drugs or canker sore prescription that can manipulate and or regulate our bodies immune responses. In this category, corticosteroids currently offer the best for disease containment. Continue reading

Ideal toothbrush and toothbrushing methods part 2

Braun D12.013Electric Toothbrushes or Power Toothbrushes

The first toothbrush powered by electricity was developed by Bermann and Woog in Switzerland and was introduced in the US in 1960 as the “Broxodent”. In 1961, a cordless tooth brush model was introduce in General Electric. These early powered toothbrush consisted of an electric motor encased in a plastic and detachable toothbrushes. They used battery or alternating current to function. Studies of these early electric toothbrush showed that there was no difference in plaque removal when compared to a manual toothbrush, however when assessing effects on controlling gingivitis, results were mixed. Continue reading

Ideal toothbrush and tooth brushing methods part 1


Did you know that the world’s first toothbrush was a just a stick about the size of a pencil. One end was chewed into thus becoming softened and brush-like while the opposite end was pointed and used as a toothpick to clean food and debris from between the teeth. The twigs used were carefully chosen from aromatic trees that had the ability to clean and freshen the mouth. The earliest literature showing the use of these twigs is found in Chinese literature at around 1600 BC.

It has now evolved into the toothbrushes we see today. Nowadays toothbrushes can be broadly categorized into manual toothbrushes and electronic toothbrushes.

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Suffering from painful canker sore part 1

typWhat is a canker sore

A canker sore mouth is a non traumatic ( not caused by injury to the mouth)  ulceration that affects oral mucosa or skin of the mouth. Another more scientific term for this is an apthous ulcer. This is probably the most common ulcers found in the mouth. The incidence of canker sores range from 20% to 60%, depending on the population studied. Prevalence or higher occurrence rate tends to be higher in professional persons, in those in upper socioeconomic groups and in those who do not smoke. This canker sores are thought to be an immunological disease. Continue reading