Author Archives: samanthaloh

Broken Teeth

Tooth structure

Tooth structure

Broken Teeth and Fractured Teeth Overview

Our teeth are  very strong. We have an outer layer of enamel covering which can only be sectioned or cut with diamond coated drills. However, over the years due to hard diets or decay of tooth, the tooth structure of enamel becomes weakened. That is when our tooth can chip and have a fractured tooth (cracked tooth)  and also a broken tooth.

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Sarcoidosis disease is a multisystemic disease, affecting all the body systems

Sarcoidosis disease is a multisystemic disease, affecting all the body systems

Overview of sarcoidosis disease

Sarcoidosis is a multi-system (affects all systems of the body) granulomatous disease . A granuloma is a localized nodular inflammation of our immune cells which fuse together to form larger cells and finally form large nodules in our body.

This disease usually affects the lungs , but it can affect any other organs. Skin lesions are also common.

Currently there is no known cause for the sarcoidosis disease. It affects young adults and equally occurs in both male and female. Continue reading

HPV Oral Cancer

HPV Oral Cancer Overview

Human Pappiloma Virus (HPV)  is a virus that has been link to many types of disease. Over eighty different types of HPV have been identified. Different types of the Human Papilloma Virus are known to infect different parts of the body.For example, venereal warts affecting the genitals and and cervical cancer affecting the cervix. The virus generally produces warts on the affected areas.

Currently there is a high prevalence rate of Human Pappiloma Virus 16 and 18  found in lesions of oral cancer patients. Therefore, it can be said that this virus is directly or concurrently linked to oral cancer.The reason for this occurrence is due to frequent oro-genital (mouth to genitals)  sexual orientations. However, many other factors also contribute to the cause of oral cavity cancer. Continue reading

Teeth Grinding

Worn of tooth due to teeth grinding

Worn of tooth due to teeth grinding


Are you grinding teeth in your sleep?

Teeth grinding is clinically referred by dentist as bruxism. Patients are frequently unaware of this habit because they are grinding teeth in sleep.This condition is usually referred to by dentist as sleep bruxism. Sleep bruxism is a medical and dental problem as it affects both the teeth and the structures of the face and neck. Most people will not realize that they have this habit until obvious signs and symptoms occur. Continue reading

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

Overview of Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease is an acute endemic viral infection commonly affecting  children younger than ten years of age. This Hand Foot and Mouth Disease virus rarely effects adults unless they have a lower immunity level.For example, HIV  and diabetic patients.  Round red lesions (any localized, abnormal structural change in the body) are mostly seen in the mouth, on the hands and foot. In the mouth it is precipitated by a mild sore throat and followed by painful ulcers. On the hands and legs, a rash usually develops first and then red lesions are usually seen. Continue reading

Temporomandibular Disorder

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

Overview of  the Temporomandibular Joint

The Temporomandibular Joint is a  connecting hinge mechanism between the lower jaw and the base of the skull. This joint has two components which allows it to rotate and slide. Therefore allowing our jaw to open and close. You can usually locate the joint yourself by following the tip of your nose to the side of your face. Note the diagram on the left for better understanding. Continue reading

Oral Leukoplakia

Lesion seen on the floor of the mouth

Lesion seen on the floor of the mouth

Definition of Oral Leukoplakia:

Oral Leukoplakia is a white lesion (abnormal tissue) found on the oral mucosa (skin lining in our mouth).It has no known causing agents. For example, a thrush lesion in the mouth is also white , but it is not an Oral Leukoplakia lesion because it is proven to be caused by the candida fungus. Continue reading

Dental Bonding

Nursing bottle decay  in a young child, composite bonding is used to build up the crown

Nursing bottle decay in a young child, composite bonding is used to build up the crown

Dental Bonding or bonding teeth is a procedure whereby a material resembling natural teeth is joined onto the tooth surface. This is done to improve the appearance and function of the tooth. It is commonly used in fillings for decayed teeth. There are two types of Dental Bonding. Direct Dental Bonding and Indirect Dental Bonding. For Direct Bonding, the Dental Bonding agents which are used include composite (resins), GIC (glass ionomer cements) and ready made composite veneers. This procedure can usually be completed within 30 -45 minutes. In the case of Indirect Bonding, the Dental Bonding Agents used here would be porcelain veneers. Multiple visits are usually needed for this procedure as extra fabrication time in the lab is needed to custom make these porcelain veneers. Continue reading