Continued from Part 1
Cold testing
A cold stimulus such as refrigerant spray is sprayed on a cotton pledget and applied to the tooth under investigation.
Heat testing
A heated source such as a GP stick is applied to the tooth. Continue reading
Continued from Part 1
A cold stimulus such as refrigerant spray is sprayed on a cotton pledget and applied to the tooth under investigation.
A heated source such as a GP stick is applied to the tooth. Continue reading
Your dentist referred you to an endodontist for a root canal treatment that he/she finds difficult to do. However you started having the jitters about your endodontic appointment since this is a specialist you are seeking. This article will give you a gist on what happens at an appointment with an endodontist. Continue reading
There are many fields of specialties in dentistry including periodontology and endodontology. Not many can tell a periodontist and an endodontist or other specialists apart as they are not exposed to these specialists. This article will help you tell the difference between a periodontist and an endodontist. Continue reading