Tag Archives: indirect retainer

What Is a Rest on a Partial Denture?

A partial denture consists of the following parts:

  1. Major connector-the main body of a denture which provides rigidity and unites all the parts of the denture
  2. Minor connector-connects all other parts of a denture to the major connector
  3. Denture base-the part that is adapted to the soft tissues in the region of missing teeth and will be used to support the fake teeth.
  4. Artificial teeth– replace missing teeth
  5. Direct retainer-parts of the denture that prevents the denture from dropping out of the mouth. Clasps are often used as a direct retainer.
  6. Indirect retainer-parts of the denture that prevents the denture from rocking or shifting sideways or rotating during eating or talking, eg: rests.

We will be focusing on rests in this article.

Parts of a denture

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