Tag Archives: swelling

How to Remove a Stuck Ring With Dental Floss

It’s summertime, which means that hands swell and rings get stuck on them. Don’t panic, and don’t rush to cut it off either. There are some simple things you can do to remove it safely.

First, try to place your index finger gently on the stuck ring, and thumb under, then start twisting the ring gently back and forth, while slowly pulling the ring out. Make sure that you don’t pull and tug too much. It could cause additional swelling and make it even harder to remove the ring. Continue reading

10 Steps to Painless Wisdom Teeth Removal

Have you ever experience terrible toothache especially coming from your wisdom teeth? Getting sleepless nights due to the pain? The soreness that made you lose your appetite and you do not wish to talk. You are having bad mood swings and your daily work got disrupted all because of the little tooth from the back of your mouth? These are all the warning signs to visit your dentist right away and get the tooth removed!


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What is a Bone Spicule?

retained root @ oral-radiology.org


A bone spicule could derive different meanings in different medical fields. This term is being used in dentistry, osteology and ophthalmology.

In dentistry, it is characterized by bony fragments or protrusions either loose or still attaching to jaw bone after a tooth extraction. This happens because loose fractured bony fragments may retain in the socket of an extraction and in time it would emerge from the gum covering the socket. These bone fragments are derived from the bone covering the roots of a tooth. When they are being left behind, your body treats them as foreign matters, so there would be an inflammatory response towards the bony fragments. Hence it would cause swelling and pain that depict an infection. Continue reading