Tag Archives: teeth grinding

Types of Dental Night Guards

Dental night guards are one of several treatment methods prescribed by a dentist to address various types of dental disorders. These problems occur during sleep and can cause damage to teeth and overall mouth alignment. Dental night guards are either custom-made or purchased over the counter. The decision regarding which type of dental night guard to use is based on the problem to be corrected. Continue reading

What causes sudden tooth sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is defined as an experience of pain or discomfort that is sharp, sudden, piercing or excruciating in nature that is felt deep into the nerve endings. The pain may affect the tooth constantly or intermittently depending on its cause and nature.

Generally tooth sensitivity is caused by receding gums and enamel damage that leads to dentinal tubules in the dentine layer to be exposed and hence sensitized. Therefore, thermal sensitization like hot or cold drinks intake may make you cringe in agony. Occasionally, sweet and sour foods or even breezy cold air could also inflict sudden sensitiveness.

Factors that leads to dentine exposure: Continue reading

How Your Daily Habits Can Hurt Your Teeth

Tooth wear © Medscape

Tooth wear © Medscape

Damage to your teeth can be caused by any process that results in loss of integrity of the tooth surface. Tooth decay is a bacteria-caused form of tooth damage. The other forms of tooth damage are the result of mechanical or chemical assault to the tooth structure which may be brought about by your daily habits for example grinding in your sleep and tooth brushing. Continue reading

Teeth Grinding

Worn of tooth due to teeth grinding

Worn of tooth due to teeth grinding


Are you grinding teeth in your sleep?

Teeth grinding is clinically referred by dentist as bruxism. Patients are frequently unaware of this habit because they are grinding teeth in sleep.This condition is usually referred to by dentist as sleep bruxism. Sleep bruxism is a medical and dental problem as it affects both the teeth and the structures of the face and neck. Most people will not realize that they have this habit until obvious signs and symptoms occur. Continue reading