Tag Archives: teething ring

How to Treat Teething Symptoms With Homeopathy


© Babies Online.com

Teething troubles is common in all babies. It is in very rare cases that a new born goes through this period without any problems. Your good-natured baby becomes restless and fretful all of a sudden, starts drooling and eagerly chewing or wanting to put his or her hand and fingers into the mouth. Worry not as these behavior changes may only indicate that your baby is having discomfort during the teething age. Continue reading

Does Teething Cause Fevers in Children?

© http://www.shopaustralia.asia

One of the most common mistakes parents (and grandparents) make is to blame teething for everything, including sleep problems. Fever, irritability, diarrhea and fits are some of the many conditions that are associated with teething in children but how far are they true? First of all, let us clarify the basics of the ‘debut’ of baby teeth. Continue reading

How to Ease Teething Pain Naturally

© Expedient InfoMedia

One day you notice your baby drooling and eagerly chewing or wanting to put his or her hand and fingers into the mouth. Your good-natured baby becomes restless and fretful all of a sudden. Worry not, these behavior changes may only indicate that your baby is teething. Continue reading