Tag Archives: tooth straightening

All about tooth sensitivity: Part 1

toothaches (bw)

Tooth sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a common dental condition where the teeth becomes extremely sensitive to hot and cold, leading to tooth pain. It affects quite a number of adults, sometimes affecting their lifestyle where certain food with extreme temperatures such as ice-cream or hot coffee needs to be taken cautiously or in some cases, avoided completely.

Cause of tooth sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity occurs due to the exposure of dentinal tubules layer of the teeth which is usually protected by enamel. There are a range of factors that can contribute to dentine exposure, such as tooth grinding, broken tooth, tooth erosion, defective tooth filling, tooth whitening, tooth straightening, dental crown or bridge work and so forth. These are explained as followed: Continue reading

3 Types of Orthodontic Braces You Must Know About

Dental braces, with a powerchain, removed afte...

Orthodontic Braces

Orthodontic braces has been around for more than 50 years and even till now, it remain as the most popular choice in straightening crooked teeth by dental professionals. It is the safest method available and produces ‘true’ tooth straightening unlike teeth crowns or teeth veneers which simply masks the problem.

Am I too old for orthodontic braces?

There is no such thing as being too old for orthodontic braces, rather the question being, whether you actually need them or not. In the past orthodontic braces are used to straighten teeth mostly in children, but that is no longer the case as the continuously evolving orthodontics allow the possibility of adult teeth straightening with conventional orthodontic braces. More adults had sought orthodontic tooth straightening treatment to fix their crooked teeth and has achieved great results. Continue reading

All You Need To Know About Tooth Straightening

Straight teeth

Straight teeth

Most of us are not blessed with perfectly aligned straight teeth and sometimes we can become very conscious as to how our teeth look when we smile. Besides being aesthetically unappealing, some people find it hard to chew certain food with crooked teeth. and are unable to clean their teeth properly leading  to problems such as gingivities and caries. If you answered yes to any of these two problems, chances are that you will benefit from tooth straightening. Adult teeth straightening is quickly gaining its place in dentistry as more adults turned to dental professionals to achieve straighter teeth. Continue reading