How to Exercise While Brushing Your Teeth

You don’t have to sweat when you exercise to know you’ve had a great workout. In fact, you don’t even have to feel like you’ve had a great workout to have a great workout. All you need to do to have a great workout is contract your muscles as much as possible.

It’s amazing how doing two minutes straight of different variations of squats can really strengthened your quads and booty while brushing your teeth. You can do regular squats with your feet together, squats with your feet hip-distance apart, and squats with your legs wide. You can also do one-legged squats holding your knee up, squat lunges, and throw in some balancing side leg-lift squats as well.

Push-ups on the counter

Every time you brush your chompers, do 25 push-ups on the counter or sink. That adds up to 50 push-ups a day, and 350 push-ups a week! If your arms are stronger, do 30 or 40, or do less if you’re just starting out. Push-ups are one of the most effective ways to tone your upper body, and you’ll start to see results soon after adding these counter push-ups to your routine.

Squat Holds

Bend your knees and squat down about 4-6 inches

a. Get your tooth brush ready.
b. Before you start brushing, bend your knees and squat down about 4-6 inches.
c. Hold this position for as long as it takes to brush your teeth.
d. Repeat for flossing and rinsing.

Squats with your feet hip-distance apart

One of the best exercises you can do to strengthen and tone your quads and glutes:

  1. Step your feet apart so there’s about 20 inches between your heels. Point your toes out slightly.
  2. When you’re ready, bend your knees and elbows. Keep your shoulders over your hips and lower down so your weight is back in your heels. Then straighten your legs and arms. This is one repetition.
  3. Complete three sets of 12 to 15 reps.

Squat lunges

As you inhale, press into your feet and explode up, stepping your left leg behind you

It is sure to tone your thighs and gluteus:

  1. Stand with your feet wider than hips-width apart, toes slightly pointing out. Squat down and make sure your back is flat and your abs are engaged.
  2. As you inhale, press into your feet and explode up, stepping your left leg behind you. Either plant your entire foot flat on the floor or land on the ball of your foot.
  3. Slowly exhale and step your left foot forward, coming back into the low squat.
  4. This counts as one rep. Complete three sets of 12 to 15 reps on each side.

The next time you brush your teeth, blow-dry your hair, or are chatting on the phone, use those few minutes wisely and get squatting!

Deep breathing exercises

This is the easiest of the anywhere exercises to integrate into your lifestyle. You can practically do this anywhere! This helps bring more oxygen to your body.

Simple abdominal exercises

Bend backward and back to standing position

This routine is perhaps one of the more challenging among the anywhere exercises for busy people. But as they say, “It’s all in the mind.” Think like a winner!

  1. Stand upright with legs about shoulder-width apart and slightly bent.
  2. Bend backward and back to standing position.
  3. Bend backward slightly to your right and back to standing position. You need to move your right leg a step backwards to the right to give you the balance when you move your body backward slightly to the right.
  4. Bend backward slightly to your left and back to standing position. You need to do a similar thing when you move backwards slightly to the left for balance.

You can vary the speed and intensity with caution.

Stretching exercises for arms, legs, and torso

These anywhere exercises are good for muscle flexibility and relaxation.

To stretch your lower leg muscles:

  • Stretch soleous muscles
    Soleous muscle is at back part of lower leg at the ankle area.
    • Stand straight. This is best done with arms stretched forwards and hands pushing against a wall.
    • Move your right leg one step backward.
    • Bend both knees. Keep your lower left leg upright (or perpendicular to the floor). Bend lower until you feel a good stretch to your right soleous muscles.
    • Make sure your feet are pointing forward and parallel to each other.
    • Hold the position for 30 seconds.
    • Stand up.
    • Rest for 5 seconds.
    • Do a similar procedure for your left soleous.
    • Repeat 5 times, or as desired.


  • Stretch calves (muscles at lower leg)

This is a standing gastrocnemius (or gastroc) muscle stretch.

    • Stand straight. This is best done with arms stretched forwards and hands pushing against a wall.
    • Move your right leg one step backward.
    • Bend your right knee.
    • Make sure your right leg remains straight.
    • Move your right backwards some more to achieve a better stretch.
    • Make sure your left lower leg remains upright (or perpendicular to the floor).
    • Make sure your feet are pointing forward and parallel to each other.
    • Hold the position for 30 seconds.
    • Stand up.
    • Rest for 5 seconds.
    • Do a similar procedure for your left soleous.
    • Repeat 5 times, or as desired.


1 thought on “How to Exercise While Brushing Your Teeth

  1. Sabina

    I have a friend who works out for 3 hours a day and brushes his teeth 3 times a day. Glad to know you can actually do both at the same time haha

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