How to Repair Lumineers

Lumineers are a new development in the dental industry that provide a topical application of a veneer that is made specifically for you. Lumineers by Cerinate®, are Den-Mat’s alternative to traditional porcelain veneers. As opposed to the traditional veneer that requires injections and lengthy procedures, the Lumineer design does not need any of this. The Lumineer application is completely reversible, as well, to provide the peace of mind in knowing you can adjust the Lumineers or repair them if any damage occurs.

What are Lumineers?

Lumineers are as thin as contact lenses

The veneer brand Lumineers has received a lot of publicity in recent years. The procedure is discussed like it is a miracle product. However, many people are not aware of what Lumineers are or how they work. In fact there are many aspects to Lumineers that many people do not know.


Lumineers are a specific brand of dental veneers that have a different construction than other veneer styles. Traditional veneers are usually constructed from 0.5 millimeters thick. Lumineers are designed with different bonding techniques which make them stronger. The added strength enables a thinner final product which is the main selling point with Lumineers. Lumineers are able to be spread to 0.3 millimeters thick, which is only as thick as a contact lens. Den Mart based in California is the creator of the Lumineers brand of dental veneers.

No temporaries are needed as the installation of Lumineers can be done instantly without any waiting period. There will also be no risk of subgingival placement of Lumineers as preparation of the tooth is very minimal or can be skipped entirely. No packing of the subgingival cord is needed, which reduces the discomfort and chair side time of the procedure, as no preparation of the tooth is needed. Therefore, all these features of Lumineers contribute to significantly less chair time than traditional placement of traditional crowns.


Materials used to bond Lumineers to the tooth

Lumineers are made from the same material as all other veneers. Dental veneers are made from a form of porcelain that is mixed with other materials to create a tooth-like coating that improves the appearance of the mouth. Lumineers are made from Cerinate porcelain and are usually attached with Ultra-Bond Restorative Resin Cement and Tenure adhesive glue. Cerinate porcelain is created with feldspathic porcelain mixed with leucite crystals. These materials provide a bond with the teeth that can last for twenty years or more. Each set of Lumineers comes with a five year warranty and a guarantee of replacement at no extra charge.


Lumineers can be installed in one of two ways. The first way is the traditional installation method. This is where a dentist will file down the existing teeth leaving gaps between the teeth so that the appearance of the Lumineers will look like the patient’s regular teeth.

The second way to install Lumineers is directly over the existing teeth. This coating will leave a bump between the tops of the original teeth and the new veneers. Some dentists do not like to use this method.


The purpose of installing Lumineers rather than having another form of dental cosmetic surgery is twofold. Many people do not want to wait for the time it takes to improve their teeth using other dental methods. Other people have very bad teeth that would be almost impossible to fix any other way. Lumineers also sound better to individuals who are frightened by the idea of grinding away their natural teeth. Lumineers can provide an instantly brighter and whiter smile to almost anyone.

Before ad after application of Lumineers



Visit with the professional that applied the Lumineers to your teeth. Discuss your concern if the Lumineer is chipped, cracked or damaged.Have your dentist drill away the damaged portion of the topical Lumineer, until the tooth is showing.

Have your dentist clean away any debris or residue from the removal of the Lumineer surface. Allow the area to dry completely before applying another Lumineer application to the tooth.

Allow your dentist to polish the tooth to rid it of any surface material. Your dentist will then apply a new Lumineer application to the original tooth. Allow the treatment to set according to your dentist’s instructions. Have your dentist polish and shape the Lumineer to match the other teeth to finish.

Tips & Warnings

  • Avoid eating very hard foods, from candies to ice. Avoid consuming large amounts of coffee and tea, as these tend to stain the Lumineer.
  • My New Smile reports that because Lumineers require no enamel removal, there is often a gap between the Lumineers and the existing teeth. As a result, there is the potential risk of tooth decay and gum disease down the road.