Author Archives: meifong

Two sets of teeth in our lifetime

We have two sets of teeth in our lifetime.

The first set of our teeth is known as deciduous/primary/milk/baby/temporary teeth. There are a total of 20 teeth in the oral cavity/mouth.

Deciduous Teeth

On the upper jaw, there are 2 central incisors, 2 lateral incisors, 2 canines and 4 molars making it a total of 10 teeth. Same goes for the lower jaw making it a grand total of 20 teeth altogether. Continue reading

Is it normal to clench my teeth frequently?

 If you do clench/grind your teeth frequently during night or day, you could be having bruxism. Bruxism is the habitual grinding or clenching oh the teeth during day or night, awake or sleeping. The incidence of bruxism has been variously reported as between 5% to 20 %.

Bruxism is divided into 2 types :

a) Day Time Bruxism also known as Diurnal Bruxism. Continue reading