Author Archives: meifong

Working Length Determination in Root Canal Treatment Part 2

Tear drop silicone – rubber stops have an added advantage because they do not have to be removed form the instrument during sterilization at 4500 F and tear drop tip can be positioned to indicate instrumental curvature
Rubber stops instruments have certain disadvantages like movement of up (or) down the shaft, leading to short (or) past the apical constriction and time consuming.

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Working Length Determination in Root Canal Treatment Part 1


In detail endodontic procedure primarily consists of
-         Access preparation –LA in vital
-         Pulpectomy
-         Working length X-ray
-         Biomechanical preparation (cleaning and shaping)
Chemo-mechanical preparation disinfection

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Clinical Diagnostic Methods Part 2


Radiograph may show the number,
and width of root canals, the presence of calcified material in the pulp chamber or root canal,
The resorption of dentin originating within the root canal (internal resorption) or from the root surface (external resorption)
Calcification or obliteration of the cavity,
Thickening of the periodontal ligament resorption of cementum,
And nature and extent of periapical and alveolar bone destruction.

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