Author Archives: meifong

Anxiety and Phobia in Chidren During Dental Visits


 Anxiety is an emotion similar to fear but arising without any objective source of danger

It is a reaction to unknown danger

It is often defined as a state of unpleasant feeling combined with an associated feeling of impending doom or danger from within rather than from without.

It is a learned process being in response to one’s environment. As anxiety depends on the ability to imagine, it develops later than fear.

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Understand why are your kids crying, angry or even fearful

Kids tend to show their feelings more than adults. Therefore, the dentist and the parents have to work their way out to understand and control the kids feelings and ensure that they are comfortable with all the dental treatments.

Distress or Cry



At birth : Primary emotion present at birth with vigorous body expressions usually due to hunger, colic or other internal cause.

At 6 months : It is greatly replaced by milder expression of fussing or vocalization.

During preschool : It is seen less, only for the reactions of physical pain as he is thwarted by his environment.

During school years : Pressure helps him to outgrow the crying habit which deceases rapidly. After this till 15 years old, crying occurs very seldom.

In young adults : Ultimately it becomes a limited quiet crying in private only for reasons of grief or other intense emotions.

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Increased saliva in your mouth?

An increased salivary secretion in termed as sialorrhea or ptyalism. 


  • The secretory innervation of the salivary glands is primarily under the control of the parasympathetic nervous system.


  • Stimulation of the parasympathetic system causes profuse secretion of watery saliva.


  • Some person are unable to swallow their saliva fast enough to prevent drooling

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Tongue Tie? Unable to speak Properly? Find Out Why And How to Correct It.

Tongue-tie is also known as Ankyloglossia. It is a condition in which the lingual frenulum is either too short or forwardly placed limiting the movement of the tongue. Reports of partial tongue-tie affecting several generations., suggest a possible genetic basis for the minor variation in the attachment of genioglossus muscle. It may be traumatic or congenital.

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Home Bleaching : Making your teeth looks whiter and brighter yourself



Bleaching is a procedure which involves lightening of the colour of a tooth through the application of a chemical agent to oxidize the organic pigmentation in the tooth.

Tooth bleaching today is based upon hydrogen peroxide as an active agent. Hydrogen peroxide may be applied directly or produced in a chemical reaction from sodium perborate or carbamide peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide acts as a strong oxidizing agent through the formation of free radicals, reactive oxygen molecules and hydrogen peroxide anions. These reactive molecules attack the long chained, dark coloured chromophore molecules and split them into smaller, less coloured and more diffusible molecules.

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What is dental splinting?

Dental splinting is the joining of two or more teeth into a rigid unit by means of fixed or removable restorations/devices. A periodontal splint is an appliance used for maintaining or stabilizing mobile teeth in their functional position. The main objective of splinting is to promote healing and to increase the patients comfort and function.

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What to do when your teeth comes out from the socket? (Avulsion)

Avulsion is defined as the complete displacement of the tooth out of the socket. It means that the teeth has come out from the socket entirely. Losing a tooth can be physically and emotionally demanding as a result it is difficult to fill and replace. As early as 400 BCE, Hippocrates suggested that teeth should be replaced and fixed firmly to adjacent teeth with wire. Modern techniques nowadays focus on reimplanting the tooth as soon as possible, minimizing periodontal damage and preventing infection of the pulp tissue.

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What is Endodontics?

What is Endodontics?

Endodontics is the diagnosis and treatment of inflamed and damaged pulps. Teeth are made up of protective hard covering (enamel, dentin and cementum) encasing a soft tissue living tissue called pulp.

Pulp c0ntains blood vessels, nerves, fibers and connective tissue. The pulp extends from the crown of the tooth to the tip of the roots where it connects to the tissues surrounding the root. The pulp is important during a tooth’s growth and developement. However, once a tooth is fully mature it can survive without the pulp, because the tooth continues to be nourished by the tissues surrounding it.

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