Denture Picture taken from propagandica.wordpress.com/2008/12/
Dentures are artificial teeth placed inside the mouth to replace missing teeth for better function, speech and esthetics. Sore gums are often the main complaint of a denture wearer.
Causes and remedies for denture sore gums
Ill fitting denture
A denture that is not fitting properly may have pressure spots while functioning. Frequent pressure on these spots may cause sores and ulcers if they are not dealt with. Usually, you need to return to the dentist for review and they will identify the pressure spots and trim if off. If you have ulcers, the dentist would prescribe ulcer relieving agents. You can also apply aloe vera gel or eucalyptus oil or simply salt water gargling to speed up the healing.
If the denture really does not fit well (hindering speech, difficult to chew, poor esthetic), you may need to redo a new one.
As you aged, your jaw bone will resorb if there are no teeth to maintain its level. Thus, the denture would have to be relined, rebased or remade to fit the changing bony contours.
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