Author Archives: SH

Herpes infection among young children

Types of herpes simplex virus

There are 8 types of herpes simplex virus which affect human beings.  

Type I herpes simplex virus / oral herpes :  causes primary herpetic gingivostomatitis and cold sores around your mouth.

Type 2 herpes simplex virus/ genital herpes : can cause severe oropharyngeal infection and it is usually transmitted through sexual contact.

Type 3 herpes varicella zoster virus: causes chicken pox among children Continue reading

Odontogenic infections in children


Odontogenic infections are infections that originate from your tooth or the tooth supporting tissues. It can be painful, uncomfortable and disturb your daily activities.  Odontogenic infections can be a life threatening situation when they spread into the deep fascia of the head and neck. Continue reading

Radiation Therapy and Dentistry (Part 2)


What is osteoradionecrosis?

Osteoradionecrosis is an irradiated bone (undergo radiotherapy) that becomes devitalized(dead) and exposed through the overlying skin or mucosa, without healing for 3 months. It is more common in mandible (your lower jaw) compared to your maxilla (the upper jaw)  due to its compact structure and it receives less blood supply compared to the maxilla. Continue reading

Oral pathology in newborn infants

1)      Epstein pearls:

They are whitish yellow nodules found in the midline of your infant’s palate (the roof of your mouth).  The nodules are around 1 to 3mm in size. Do not worry as they are just a result of epithelial tissues trapped during the fusion of the palate. There is no treatment needed if your baby has Epstein pearls as they will disappear within 1 to 2 weeks of birth. Continue reading

Dental management of leukemia patients


What is leukemia?

Leukemia is a type of blood cancer whereby there is an abnormal increase of immature/ primitive white blood cells. White blood cells function by producing antibodies to fight off infection from our body.  Leukemia patients are more prone to infections as their abnormal white blood cells cannot produce antibodies. Continue reading

Cleft lip and palate (Part 2)

The main aims of treating patients with cleft lip and palate:

-          To allow patient to achieve normal appearance and to attain normal function of the upper lips

-          To provide the least possible damage to the future growth and development Continue reading

Cleft lip and palate (part 1)

Cleft lip and cleft palate are birth defects affecting the mid facial region. Patients with cleft lip might have a small notch on the lip or a wide opening which involves the lip and the palate ( the roof of your mouth) The exact cause of cleft lip/palate is unknown but it is believed that genetic, usage of certain drugs during pregnancy, viruses, toxins are the causative factors of cleft lip and palate. Continue reading

Dental anomalies among children

1)      HYPODONTIA :

A dental condition where by the patient has missing teeth as a result of their failure of development.  The most common missing tooth is the third molars, or known as wisdom tooth.  Hypodontia can be due to genetic or environmental factors.  It is been reported in association with low birth weight, increased maternal age and etc. Continue reading