Author Archives: SH

Dental Crown Procedures

History and examination of patient, mouth and individual tooth.

The dentist will determine whether is necessary to place a crown on that particular tooth and you should understand what kind of treatment you will receive in the future.  Patient should agree with the charged fees and should clear any doubts regarding the treatment with the dentist. Crowns are usually placed on teeth which have good prognosis and patients who have excellent oral hygiene. Continue reading

What are the types of dental crowns?

pic credits to berkeley clinics

Aesthetic is a very important consideration for anterior teeth so tooth coloured crowns are only applicable here and can be divided into different types :

All ceramic crown

Examples of all ceramic crowns

Traditional porcelain jacket crown (PJCs) is the oldest type of tooth coloured crown and it consists of 1 – 2 mm thick of porcelain. PJC is relatively brittle but after it is cemented it requires same amount of force to fracture our tooth enamel. To overcome the brittleness of PJCs, many types of stronger crowns have been developed.

Zirconia cores is another type of all ceramic crowns. Zirconia is a very strong material but it is dense white and required thick layers of porcelain underneath to mask the opacity of zirconia.

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Care of Mouth After Tooth Extraction

(img source frm yercaud dental care)

So, what are the instructions that we should follow after we have our teeth removed? Normally, our dentist in charge will explain what will the patients experience and basic post operative instructions will be given. What can we expect after undergoing extraction? Most of us will have slight oozing which is consider normal, it happens around 24 hours and don’t be paranoid because most of it is saliva . Some may even ring up their dentist because of this. How do we deal with post operative bleeding? Your dentist will first ask you to bite firmly on a piece of gauze for 30 minutes so that blood can be clot around the socket. If oozing continues, you may change another small, damp gauze at that area and bite on it firmly to control bleeding. Activities such as smoking, drinking with straw, spitting should be avoided because these activities can aggravate bleeding. Please be reminded that oozing at night is normal. If there is abnormal amount of bleeding occurs, patients should consult the dentist in charge for further advice. Continue reading

Reasons to Remove Wisdom Teeth

So when do you need to get your wisdom teeth removed? Most of the time we remove them when they are impacted which means fails to erupt due to clinically or radiographically detactable physical barrier in their eruption pathway or they are positioned in a ectopic way.

Eruption of third molars occurs around 20-25 years old. Impaction of third molars occur when there is insufficient space for them to erupt , presence of obstructions in eruption path or maybe it is due to genetic causes.  Early detection of impacted third molars and early removal is more preferably due to better healing, formation of roots are one third to two third and it is much easier to perform surgery in younger patients. We will perform removal impacted teeth when benefits of removing third molar outweighs the complications. Continue reading

How to avoid scaling and root planing scam

picture credit to

Scaling? Root planing ? These are everyday dental terms which sort of sound like something used in the field of engineering or construction. To a certain extent, there seems to be a muddle up of understanding about these two terms, what they are, and why they are even needed. This article aims to clear up the air of confusion.

Like nearly all dental problems it all originates from plaque. Plaque is a soft sticky bio-film formed by bacteria which is rather easily cleaned through the use thorough and proper tooth brushing habits. However, should plaque be allowed to build up (due to improper tooth brushing technique or total neglect of oral hygiene.) it may take up trace minerals in ordinary salivary and harden to form what is known as dental calculus, a tenacious solid mass which is nearly impossible to remove through tooth brushing. Without removal of these substances, you are opening the door to gum infection, tooth loss and even serious internal diseases.

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How to treat contagious cold sores & fever blisters

What are cold sores ? Are they Herpes?

Cold sores are also known as fever blisters which are caused by Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). There are two types of HSV, Type I is associated with infections of skin and oral mucous membranes, where as type 2 virus is associated with genital infection. Normally Cold sores are caused by HSV Type I. Cold sores is a recurrent infection and there is no permanent cure , so once you are infected with herpes simplex virus, it will remain in your body with or without symptoms. Transmission of virus can still occurs from a person who is infected with herpes simplex virus but without any visible symptoms. Reactivation of virus maybe is due to various stimuli, such as ultraviolet light, menstruation, stress, immunosuppression, and etc. You can get transmitted with HSV virus through droplet spread or contact with the lesions , such as activities like kissing, or sharing utensils.

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How does Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) lead to canker sores?

What are Canker sores?

Canker sores are also known as aphthous ulcer. Patients will normally face symptoms such as soreness, burning, or prickling sensation 1 to 2 days before the appearance of the ulcers.

Normal surrounding of your mouth will appear normal or there will be some red macules at the future sites of the ulcers. There are three recognisable type of aphthous  ulcers , minor aphthous ulcers, major aphthous ulcers, and  herpetiform ulcers. Continue reading

Facts that you need to know about gingivectomy and gingivoplasty

picture source from

Before and after Gingivectomy procedure

The first 5 letters of either word gives away its meaning that it has something to do with the gingival or more commonly, the gums. However, both these words carry different meanings about the procedure that is been done to the gums. In this article, we shall discuss about them. Continue reading

Orthodontic wax is your solution when braces hurt.

Orthodontic users might find it disturbing as the metal parts of the braces will cause soreness and discomfort . Displacement of arch wire may take place when tooth moved and causes irritation to the oral mucosa and produce traumatic ulcers.

Orthodontic users may even hinder themselves from speech and eating to avoid contacting with the sharp components. ORTHODONTIC WAX is your ultimate solution.

Orthodontic wax is normally supplied in forms of roll or rope , provided in a small portable container for consumers to carry around. Continue reading