Author Archives: vivagurl

Are you suffering from Lichen Planus?

oral lichen planus

oral lichen planus


Lichen planus is a disorder affecting the skin or in the mouth.70% of patients with skin lesions have oral involvement, but only 10% of patients presenting with oral lesions have involvement .It is more common in women over 30-50 years of age.

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How to deal with chronic myofascial pain

Chronic myofascial pain syndrome.Image is taken from

Chronic myofascial pain syndrome.

There are numbers of condition that can cause pain which seem to be associated with a tooth. These conditions are associated with muscle injury and are non tooth-origin, although the pain may seem to be coming from a tooth or gum. One of the most common conditions is chronic myofascial pain.

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Facts you should know about Lateral Periodontal Cyst


The lateral periodontal cyst arises from some of tissue remnants of periodontal ligament. It is an uncommon type of cyst. It is considered to be developmental and not as a result of inflammation process or infection.  It is more common in middle-aged adult males.

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A guide of Herpes Gingivostomatitis for parents

What is herpes gingivostomatitis?

herpes gingivostomatitis.Image is taken from

herpetic gingivostomatitis picture.Image is taken from

Herpes gingivostomatitis is an infection of the mouth and lips that is caused by Herpes Simplex virus type I is a different kind of herpes virus than the kind that is sexually transmitted.

Herpes gingivostomatitis commonly present with mouth sores with fever in toddlers and young children (10 years of age with a peak incidence at 2-4 years of age). It is also seen in young adults, especially in more affluent communities (15 to 25 years of age).

Once an individual is infected, the virus spreads to regional mass of nerve tissue, where it remains latent but can be reactivated whenever conditions are appropriate (lack of antibody or immunocompromised condition).

How the diseases can be transmitted?

The infection is passed from person to person through contact with saliva that contains the virus (such as sharing utensils, cups, and bottles; thumb sucking; and putting toys in the mouth). Often the contact is with a person who has cold sores. Continue reading

Teeth whitening strips

image taken from

image taken from

What are teeth whitening strips?

Teeth whitening strips are flexible thin strips of plastic that are coated with a tooth whitening gel containing bleaching agent. They work by keeping the whitening gel in place against your teeth to remove surface stains ,whiten teeth by deep cleaning and protect teeth from everyday stain buildup. The results can vary, and will be influenced by types of whitening strips used and your diet taken

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All about gum disease Part 2

f) Periodontal abscess

acute periodontal abscess.Image taken from

Periodontal abscess.Image taken from

Periodontal abscess always happen in people who have existing periodontitis that is advanced enough to have resulted in some loss of bone around the root of the tooth. While abscesses usually spontaneously occur in patients with untreated periodontitis, it is more common in periodontitis patients with a systemic disease such as diabetes. Sometimes, severe periodontal infection can spread under lower jaw and down into neck.

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All about gum disease Part 1

What is gum disease?

Gum disease is the disorders of supporting tissue of teeth which will result in ultimate tooth loss if left untreated, but there are several ways to both treat and prevent them. It can be divided into two major stages: gingivitis (gingival disease) and periodontitis (periodontal disease).

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Denture Implants

X-Ray picture of two cylindrical dental implan...

Image via Wikipedia

What are implants?

Dental implants are artificial titanium tooth roots that are placed in the jaw bone for the purpose of restoring lost or deficient function.

Dental implants are usually performed under local anesthesia by an oral surgeon specializing in implantology. Many implants system are available and many factors need to be considered when making a choice.

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Alternatives to endodontic treatment

General information about endodontic treatment

Pulp death and dental abscess.Image taken from

Pulp death and dental abscess.Image taken from

Endodontic treatment is a common dental procedure that removes damaged living tissue called “dental pulp” from inside the root canals of a tooth. The pulp contains blood vessels and nerves. It is often referred to as root canal treatment or root canal therapy.

Sometimes, the pulp inside the tooth becomes infected by bacteria or damaged by a traumatic injury to the tooth. However, the most common cause of pulp death is a fractured or cracked tooth and deep tooth cavity which can expose the pulp to the bacteria found in saliva. This can result in inflammation, infection and, eventually, necrosis (pulp death).

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