Category Archives: Baby Teeth

FAQs – Is Conscious Sedation Safe for My Children? (Part 2)













Intravenous (IV) Sedation (continued)

IV sedation performs under a hospital setting with fully-equipped facilities and it can only be administered by a certified anesthesiologist. There are strict rules and regulations set by every state’s Dental Board when it comes to anesthesia equipments and drugs used. Therefore, you should make sure your child is being treated by a qualified and experienced anesthesiologist. Continue reading

FAQs – Is Conscious Sedation Safe for My Children? (Part 1)







Nowadays, with the advancement of Sedation Dentistry, your child is able to receive a comforting yet soothing dental treatment. It is believe that one of the most important aspects to cultivate a positive attitude towards dental treatment is to let the child experience minimum pain and discomfort at any circumstances. Many concerns are raised regarding this issue and hence, here are 8 Frequently Asked Questions about Conscious Sedation for your children. Continue reading

Space Maintenance in Children





Space Maintainer is a fixed or removable appliance designed to preserve the space created by the premature loss of a tooth (can be primary or permanent tooth). Fixed Space Maintainer is not intended to be removed by the patient whereas Removable Space Maintainer is designed for easy removal for cleansing and/or adjustment. Continue reading

How Will Your Dentist Communicates With Your Child Without Any Problems?

Communicative management is universally used in pediatric dentistry with both the cooperative and uncooperative child. (Chambers, 1976) It comprises the most fundamental form of behavior management in that it is the basis for establishing a relationship with the child which may allow a successful completion of dental procedures and at the same time, may help the child develop positive attitudes towards dental care. It is the means bu which the dentist gets his point across, making himself understood by the use of words or expressions. One should always try to establish communication from the 1st entry into the reception area.

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Anxiety and Phobia in Chidren During Dental Visits


 Anxiety is an emotion similar to fear but arising without any objective source of danger

It is a reaction to unknown danger

It is often defined as a state of unpleasant feeling combined with an associated feeling of impending doom or danger from within rather than from without.

It is a learned process being in response to one’s environment. As anxiety depends on the ability to imagine, it develops later than fear.

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Understand why are your kids crying, angry or even fearful

Kids tend to show their feelings more than adults. Therefore, the dentist and the parents have to work their way out to understand and control the kids feelings and ensure that they are comfortable with all the dental treatments.

Distress or Cry



At birth : Primary emotion present at birth with vigorous body expressions usually due to hunger, colic or other internal cause.

At 6 months : It is greatly replaced by milder expression of fussing or vocalization.

During preschool : It is seen less, only for the reactions of physical pain as he is thwarted by his environment.

During school years : Pressure helps him to outgrow the crying habit which deceases rapidly. After this till 15 years old, crying occurs very seldom.

In young adults : Ultimately it becomes a limited quiet crying in private only for reasons of grief or other intense emotions.

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How to Teach A Child To Floss

Flossing is an essential part of your child’s self-care routine. Flossing prevents the buildup of plaque on and between the teeth.

Plaque is a sticky yellow substance that forms on teeth after eating carbohydrates such as bread, milk, raisins, soft drinks, cakes and candy. If not removed by brushing and flossing, bacteria grows on the plaque, forming an acid that leads to tooth decay. Plaque can even get down past gums and destroy the root and damage the bone supporting the teeth. Continue reading

How to Root Canal a Baby Teeth

The purpose of root canal treatment with baby teeth is to keep the teeth in function until exfoliation, or at least for as long as they are important for occlusal development. Besides eating and speaking, many parents do not know that baby teeth (or primary teeth) also act as a guide for the underlying permanent teeth to erupt and at the same time they maintain the space on the arch so that the permanent teeth has enough room to grow when it is out. Continue reading

Increased saliva in your mouth?

An increased salivary secretion in termed as sialorrhea or ptyalism. 


  • The secretory innervation of the salivary glands is primarily under the control of the parasympathetic nervous system.


  • Stimulation of the parasympathetic system causes profuse secretion of watery saliva.


  • Some person are unable to swallow their saliva fast enough to prevent drooling

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