Category Archives: Braces

Orthodontic Visit

Just like baseball and gymnastics are types of sports, an orthodontist (say: or-thoh-don-tist) is a type of dentist. Using braces, retainers, and other devices, an orthodontist helps straighten a person’s teeth and correct the way the jaws line up.

Straight teeth and aligned jaws create nice smiles. On top of that, when your jaws and teeth are well aligned, it is easier to chew food. Orthodontic care can even help prevent snoring! Continue reading

Orthognathic Surgery: What Is It?


Sometimes surgical procedures might be needed during orthodontic treatment when malocclusion is severe and beyond the limits of treatment with fixed dental braces. This orthodontic surgery procedure is called orthognathic surgery. Continue reading

Getting Adult Braces


There has been an increase in adults seeking orthodontic treatment over the recent years and it can be due to various reasons that include:

  • Improved dental awareness with the advent of preventive dentistry and teeth are retained longer in the mouth.
  • The issue of esthetic concern has reduced due to the introduction of ceramic and lingual brackets.
  • Orthodontics or the wearing of teeth braces is now socially acceptable and can be a sign of affluence.
  • Recommended by general dentists for restorative and periodontal care.
  • Insurance and claims for dental treatment in some countries. Continue reading

The Extra Tooth!


Did you ever wonder why do you find some children with a small extra tooth in between their permanent incisors?

The extra tooth! ©










This small little tooth is called Supernumerary Tooth.


A Supernumerary Tooth is one that is additional to the normal series and can be found in almost any region of the dental arch. Most supernumerary teeth are located in the upper incisors region commonly known as mesiodens. Their presence may give rise to a variety of clinical problems in the future for children.

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Space Maintenance in Children





Space Maintainer is a fixed or removable appliance designed to preserve the space created by the premature loss of a tooth (can be primary or permanent tooth). Fixed Space Maintainer is not intended to be removed by the patient whereas Removable Space Maintainer is designed for easy removal for cleansing and/or adjustment. Continue reading

Top 5 Children Habits You Need to Know About (Part 2)

4. Bruxism

Bruxism or Grinding can be very harmful to your kids

It is a habitual grinding of teeth when the child is not chewing or swallowing. It is divided into Daytime Bruxism (Diurnal) or Night -time Bruxism (Nocturnal). Daytime Bruxism can be conscious or subsconscious grinding along with parafunctional habits and it is usually silent. On the other hand, Night-time Bruxism is categorized as subconscious grinding in a rhythmic pattern. Bruxism happens as a result of faulty fillings, improper teeth occlusion, genetic causes, neurological disturbances, occupational factors, over anxious or stressed children.



What do you notice?

From the tooth surfaces, you will observe your child’s teeth are very much worn off. This feature is called atypical wear facet, whereby the worn area are shiny, uneven with sharp edges on the upper and lower front teeth. Fillings may fracture or tooth may chip off as a result of grinding. Teeth will become mobile and very sensitive to cold and hot food. Besides that, your child may complain of muscular tenderness and fatigue around the cheek on rising in the morning. Jaw movements restricted and difficult in opening mouth for a long time.


Shiny, uneven sharp edges of wear facets. Credits to


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Top 5 Children Habits You Need to Know About (Part 1)

Oral habits in children are a major concern for the dentists and parents. A baby’s mouth acts as a primary device for exploring the environment and his or her lips and tongues are stimulated by instinctive sucking. By random movements, babies discover their hands and toes and use these to continue the stimulation of their mouth and related structures. Normal habits grow out of these in the early developmental stages. However, some babies do not. They continued to retain these habits until they are toddlers and it created further dental problems.

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How to Make Your Braces Hurt Less

Dental braces are a type of orthodontic treatment used to correct teeth that are crowded, crooked, protruding, out of alignment or have irregular spacing. By moving the teeth into the ideal position, dental braces help to create a more attractive and healthier smile for both children and adults. Continue reading

Can Invisalign Fix Buck Teeth?

Buck teeth

Everyone yearns for perfect teeth but not all of us are blessed with good-looking teeth and there can be many thing wrong with our teeth. One such problem is buck teeth. Any disturbance in the alignment of teeth is corrected by orthodontic treatment which includes Invisalign, a teeth straightening alternative to traditional dental braces which is becoming popular due to its transparent orthodontic trays. Commonly used to correct minor to moderate disturbances in our bite, can Invisalign fix buck teeth? Continue reading

How does Invisalign Work?

© Smith Family Dental

There are many orthodontic appliances available to correct crooked or crowded teeth – from traditional metal braces to clear aligners. Invisalign is a type of clear aligner therapy which is becoming popular due to its transparent orthodontic trays.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a teeth straightening alternative to traditional dental braces which uses a series of clear plastic removable orthodontic trays called aligners. The trays are custom made according to your dental needs and can be provided by trained orthodontists and dentists. Continue reading