Category Archives: Laser Teeth Whitening

Lasers In Dentistry Part 1


Lasers used in dentistry are engineered and designed to perform special functions without changing or damaging the surrounding tissues or materials.


The functioning of a laser goes back to Albert Einstein’s quantum theory of radiation and includes other theories that help explain the local tissue damage. The first laser was demonstrated in 1960. It was ruby laser, 694nm wavelength. Interest in the medical implications of laser light was high and already in 1967 , some of the first reports appeared on the effects of very low doses of ruby light on biological tissues. In animal studies, it was observed that experimental wounds healed better if irradiated and that even the shaved fur of the experimental animals reappeared faster in the irradiated areas. There appeared to be a biological window for the dose. If too low, there was no effect, if too high there was a suprresive effect. Not much later, the Helium-Neon laser was introduced in research and the results were similar. Later on, diode lasers were introduced and they provide the same results, although some wavelengths appeared to be better for certain indications. In particular, the introduction of infrared lasers improved the optical penetration of the ligh, reaching deeper lying tissues. The first commercially available lasers in the early 80’s were extremely low powered, below 1mW was used, in spite of the fact that the first scientific reports used 25 mW. This partly explains the initial contoversy about therapeutic dosage to be used. With the rapid developement of laser diodes, the powers of therapeutic lasers have changed dramastically and diode lasers today are typically in the range of 50-500 mW. Increased power has not only shortened the treatment time but also improved the therapeutic results.

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Does Zoom Teeth Whitening System actually works?

Zoom teeth whitening system

Zoom teeth whitening system

Zoom is a type of teeth whitening system made popular by the ABC network’s Extreme Makeover show. Zoom teeth whitening system is used to bleach teeth which are discolored, giving them a whiter appearance. It is generally done as an in-office bleaching procedure, or otherwise known as professional bleaching. In other words, this can only be done by your dentist as opposed to home teeth whitening kits due to the high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide involved and the need of extra measures to protect gums and other soft tissues.

How does the Zoom teeth whitening system work?

Teeth whitening systems such as Zoom and Britesmile, another highly popular brand, are commonly categorized under laser teeth whitening. Strictly speaking, they are actually light activated teeth whitening products where a blue-green spectrum light is utilized to catalyze bleaching reaction of tooth whitening gel applied on surfaces of teeth. The incorporation of light claims to not only activate the active ingredient, hydrogen peroxide, it also allows further penetration into tooth structure, resulting in greater bleaching capacity.

To date, there are contraindicating reports regarding the efficacy of blue light in terms of activating bleaching products. Most pointed out that there is no significant evidence supporting such need, whilst others remained positive of its vital role in enhancing bleaching results. Continue reading

Laser teeth whitening in Sydney and Melbourne Australia

Laser teeth whitening Sydney

Laser teeth whitening Sydney

Teeth whitening is a very sought after cosmetic procedure and looking for a suitable dentist may be tricky. In this article, we’ll bring you a complete guide to laser teeth whitening in Sydney and Melbourne.

Looking for a laser teeth whitening dentist in Sydney and Melbourne Australia?

There are several methods to which you can use to successfully locate a suitable dentist. The internet, for instance, provides a large range of information which can help you find a dentist that suits your needs. Search engines such as Google or Bing with keywords such as laser teeth whitening Sydney or laser teeth whitening Melbourne are very useful in locating dentists. In Australia, below are are several useful sites that provides a dentist database which allows you to easily search for dentists near your area.

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