Category Archives: Cosmetic Dentistry

3 Types of Orthodontic Braces You Must Know About

Dental braces, with a powerchain, removed afte...

Orthodontic Braces

Orthodontic braces has been around for more than 50 years and even till now, it remain as the most popular choice in straightening crooked teeth by dental professionals. It is the safest method available and produces ‘true’ tooth straightening unlike teeth crowns or teeth veneers which simply masks the problem.

Am I too old for orthodontic braces?

There is no such thing as being too old for orthodontic braces, rather the question being, whether you actually need them or not. In the past orthodontic braces are used to straighten teeth mostly in children, but that is no longer the case as the continuously evolving orthodontics allow the possibility of adult teeth straightening with conventional orthodontic braces. More adults had sought orthodontic tooth straightening treatment to fix their crooked teeth and has achieved great results. Continue reading

All You Need To Know About Tooth Straightening

Straight teeth

Straight teeth

Most of us are not blessed with perfectly aligned straight teeth and sometimes we can become very conscious as to how our teeth look when we smile. Besides being aesthetically unappealing, some people find it hard to chew certain food with crooked teeth. and are unable to clean their teeth properly leading  to problems such as gingivities and caries. If you answered yes to any of these two problems, chances are that you will benefit from tooth straightening. Adult teeth straightening is quickly gaining its place in dentistry as more adults turned to dental professionals to achieve straighter teeth. Continue reading

Laser teeth whitening in Sydney and Melbourne Australia

Laser teeth whitening Sydney

Laser teeth whitening Sydney

Teeth whitening is a very sought after cosmetic procedure and looking for a suitable dentist may be tricky. In this article, we’ll bring you a complete guide to laser teeth whitening in Sydney and Melbourne.

Looking for a laser teeth whitening dentist in Sydney and Melbourne Australia?

There are several methods to which you can use to successfully locate a suitable dentist. The internet, for instance, provides a large range of information which can help you find a dentist that suits your needs. Search engines such as Google or Bing with keywords such as laser teeth whitening Sydney or laser teeth whitening Melbourne are very useful in locating dentists. In Australia, below are are several useful sites that provides a dentist database which allows you to easily search for dentists near your area.

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Teeth Whitening

GoSmile Teeth Whitening Kit with Tara Hunt


Brighter teeth now are getting center stage in cosmetic dentistry. Most frequent reason patients seek for this dental care is discolored anterior teeth. Patients with normal teeth shades also do sometimes request for whitening treatments. Treatment options of discolored teeth include:

  • Removal of surface stains
  • Bleaching
  • Microabrasions and/or macroabrasions
  • Veneer
  • Porcelain crown

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Causes of yellow teeth

Hilary Clinton's yellow teeth

Hilary Clinton's yellow teeth

As we become older, you might start to notice that you teeth start to become more yellow. You may feel self conscious and want to get rid of your yellow teeth, hence looking into many different ways to brighten or whiten your smile by getting rid of your yellow teeth. Teeth whitening are common cosmetic dental procedures with a large selection of methods such as home teeth whitening and laser teeth whitening via the popular Zoom teeth whitening system, making it highly accessible to the public.

Causes of yellow teeth and tooth discoloration

Before embarking on the journey to whiten your teeth, it is helpful to know what may be the causes behind your yellow teeth. With age, our teeth get worn out with function due to all the chewing and grinding that we put it through. This leads to the thinning of enamel, which is the hard protective layer of your teeth that gives it the white appearance. The wearing down of enamel causes it to lose its opacity and becomes more translucent. This allows the underlying dentine, which is yellow in color to show through, resulting to naturally yellow teeth. But this is not tooth staining per se, as it is a natural process. A way in which the wearing dentition can produce ‘true staining’ is when stains get incorporated into the fine crack or craze lines on our teeth, making it difficult to remove with conventional tooth brushing. Continue reading

Know more about Gum Disease

Gum disease    Picture courtesy of

Gum disease is also known as periodontal disease. Periodontal means around a tooth. Any disease involving supporting tissues and bone around a tooth is called periodontal disease. There are 2 stages of gum disease, namely gingivitis and periodontitis. Gum disease can affect anyone including children. Continue reading

Teeth whitening for a whiter smile

Enhance your smile with Teeth whitening

Enhance your smile with Teeth whitening

To look gorgeous and superb, smile is important. A good smile requires well aligned white teeth. Teeth whitening can help in this case.

There are 3 teeth whitening systems – In office professional teeth whitening, professionally dispensed home teeth whitening and purchasing of over the counter teeth whitening products. Continue reading

Teeth Whitening: Laser Teeth Whitening

Laser Teeth Whitening Smile

Laser Teeth Whitening Smile

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures commonly done to get rid of unsightly yellow teeth (To know more about the causes of yellow teeth or tooth discoloration, click here.) In recent times, the development of laser and media attention surrounding it has caused a dramatic increase in demand for laser teeth whitening or otherwise known as light-activated teeth whitening. Teeth whitening laser treatments are administered in-office by a qualified dentist to ensure its safety and efficacy as not everyone may be suitable. Continue reading

Laser Teeth Whitening – Uncover Your Pearly Whites

Teeth Whitening Machine

Teeth Whitening Machine

Today’s dentistry is as much as about providing you with a beautiful smile as it is about keeping your teeth healthy. Even a perfect smile deteriorates with age but there are various methods these days to boost your smile’s dazzle. One of the more popular whitening options include laser-activated bleaching or more commonly known as laser teeth whitening or laser bleaching.

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Teeth Whitening – One Way to a Dazzling Smile

Smile by Tindos

© Copyright Tindos

Ever envy celebrities flashing their dazzling, white smiles? Well, you can obtain similar results by dental bleaching or commonly known as tooth whitening. Being a part of cosmetic dentistry, tooth bleaching have become one of the most requested services provided by the dental profession today.

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