Category Archives: Dental Floss & Gum Health

Abscess Tooth Symptoms

What is an Abscessed Tooth?

A tooth or dental abscess is a localized collection of pus in a sac formed by disintegration of purulent material from a bacterial infection. Invasion of bacteria which cannot be drained results in abscess. An abscessed tooth can be further classified into periapical, periodontal or gingival abscess depending on its location in the oral cavity.

  • Periapical abscess: located at the apex of an  infected tooth surrounding the roots. Continue reading

How to Teach A Child To Floss

Flossing is an essential part of your child’s self-care routine. Flossing prevents the buildup of plaque on and between the teeth.

Plaque is a sticky yellow substance that forms on teeth after eating carbohydrates such as bread, milk, raisins, soft drinks, cakes and candy. If not removed by brushing and flossing, bacteria grows on the plaque, forming an acid that leads to tooth decay. Plaque can even get down past gums and destroy the root and damage the bone supporting the teeth. Continue reading

How to Remove a Stuck Ring With Dental Floss

It’s summertime, which means that hands swell and rings get stuck on them. Don’t panic, and don’t rush to cut it off either. There are some simple things you can do to remove it safely.

First, try to place your index finger gently on the stuck ring, and thumb under, then start twisting the ring gently back and forth, while slowly pulling the ring out. Make sure that you don’t pull and tug too much. It could cause additional swelling and make it even harder to remove the ring. Continue reading

How to Regrow Gums

Everybody loves to smile, but lately you’ve been hating it because of the state of your teeth and gums. They are a mess, especially your receding gumline. You’re absolutely certain your smile looks more like a jack-o-lantern’s grimace than a genuine expression of warmth. You don’t need to clamp your mouth shut forever, but rather take a stab at a few methods that may help you regrow gums. Gum disease is the leading cause of extensive of gum damage. Feel fortunate that you found out the problem before you developed things like loose and sensitive teeth. If you already have sensitive or loose teeth, don’t waste any more time. Get yourself back to your dentist to get help with your receding gum problem. It’s always helpful to walk in with some knowledge of the receding gum treatments. Continue reading

How Does Plaque Affect the Teeth?

What is dental plaque?

Dental plaque is a biofilm (consists of bacteria, saliva )  which is found on tooth surface. It is normally pale yellow in color and initially can be scraped/removed by tooth brushing and flossing. Continue reading

What is Deep Gum and Root Cleaning?

Deep gum cleaning consists of scaling and root planing. Gum disease (gingivitis) if untreated can progress to more

deep cleaning

serious periodontal disease (bacterial/viral proliferation which overwhelms the host immune response) causing destruction of the supporting tissues of the teeth and bone loss which are irreversible in nature. A periodontal pocket forms and harbors bacteria in large amounts. Deep scaling and root planning are the therapeutic procedures performed to heal your gums by removing the disease causing toxins. Scaling is the process of removing dental tartar from the teeth surfaces while root planning involves removing infected tooth structure (dentin and cementum) and smoothing the rough root surfaces of the teeth. The goal of active therapy is to remove as much subgingival debris as possible and disrupt/ the bacterial proliferation. Continue reading

How to Take the Best Care of Your Child’s Teeth

A child’s teeth start to develop before birth. Therefore, it is necessary to start caring for your child’s teeth and gums at an early age. The most important is to bring your child to the dentist when his first tooth erupts into the oral cavity, usually around 6 months of age. The dentist will be able to detect any problems associated with your child’s teeth before they become serious. Establishing a good rapport between the dentist and child is essential to ensure that the child feels safe and able to cooperate during dental treatment. Diet, proper tooth brushing and oral hygiene goes hand-in-hand with your child’s care. Continue reading

What is the purpose of toothpaste

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Image via Wikipedia

Ever tried brushing your teeth without toothpaste? You will be surprised!

Dentifrices – more commonly known as toothpaste, is a type of cleaning medium

which is meant to be used together with a toothbrush to remove soft deposits on tooth surfaces. Formation of soft deposits like dental plaque is inevitable because they are produced by non-harmful bacterial flora which occupies and lives in the mouth of a normal healthy person. In fact, dental plaque provides a suitable habitat for bacteria to multiply and produce acidic by-products which is harmful to our teeth/gums. Hence, the main objective of brushing teeth is to remove such potential harmful cause and
maintain the hygiene of the oral cavity. Continue reading