Category Archives: Endodontic treatment

Post and core Part 2

Post design

Posts (or dowels) can generally be divided into two main subgroups, depending on how retention is achieved. Active posts derive their primary retention directly from the root dentine by the use of threads. Passive posts on the other hand gain retention as their name suggests by passively seating in close proximity to the post hole walls, and rely primarily on the luting cement for their retention. Each post type can further be subdivided according to its general shape, that is whether it is tapered or parallel sided. In general, active posts are more retentive than passive posts of a similar configuration, and parallel-sided posts are more retentive than tapered posts. Post choice should therefore be dictated by each clinical situation. Continue reading

Post and core Part 1

A post and core is a dental restoration, which is used to sufficiently restore a tooth morphology followed by future restoration such as a crown, when there is no an adequate part of tooth hard tissue regarding to the required clinical indication of the case, due to loss of tooth structure as a result of decay, fracture or other causes. Post and cores can be referred as one of the foundation restorations. Continue reading

Abscess Tooth Symptoms

What is an Abscessed Tooth?

A tooth or dental abscess is a localized collection of pus in a sac formed by disintegration of purulent material from a bacterial infection. Invasion of bacteria which cannot be drained results in abscess. An abscessed tooth can be further classified into periapical, periodontal or gingival abscess depending on its location in the oral cavity.

  • Periapical abscess: located at the apex of an  infected tooth surrounding the roots. Continue reading

Pulpotomy, Apexogenesis and Apexification Part 2


It is defined as physiological root end development and formation – (American Association of Endodontists.)

The current terminology is vital pulp therapy and is defined by (Walton and Torabinejad) as a treatment of vital pulp in an immature tooth to permit continued dentin formation and apical closure.

This is achieved by:

Indirect pulp capping

Direct pulp capping

Apical closure pulpotomy

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Pulpotomy, Apexogenesis and Apexification Part 1



Pulpotomy is defined as the amputation of damaged and inflammed vital pulp from the coronal chamber followed by placement of a medicament over the radicular pulp stumps to stimulate repair, fixation or mummification of the remaining vital radicular pulp.
– Braham & Morris 1985

Pulpotomy is defined as the surgical removal of infected coronal pulp and its objectives are preservation of the radicular pulp vitality and relief of pain.

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Pulp Therapy for kids

Carious tooth

When caries in your child’s teeth has gone so deep that it has reached, or is near the pulp, your child will need more than just a normal filling to restore the tooth. If the infection from caries has reached the pulp, yet left untreated, the infection may spread causing more harm to your child. The pulp therapy that can be done on your child’s teeth can be divided into vital and non-vital technique:

Vital techniques: Continue reading

Working Length Determination in Root Canal Treatment Part 2

Tear drop silicone – rubber stops have an added advantage because they do not have to be removed form the instrument during sterilization at 4500 F and tear drop tip can be positioned to indicate instrumental curvature
Rubber stops instruments have certain disadvantages like movement of up (or) down the shaft, leading to short (or) past the apical constriction and time consuming.

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Working Length Determination in Root Canal Treatment Part 1


In detail endodontic procedure primarily consists of
-         Access preparation –LA in vital
-         Pulpectomy
-         Working length X-ray
-         Biomechanical preparation (cleaning and shaping)
Chemo-mechanical preparation disinfection

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What is Obturation in Root Canal Therapy? Part 2

According to Grossman

-Lateral condensation method
-Vertical condensation method
-Sectional method
-Compaction method (mcSpadden)
-Metal-core obturation
-Silver-cone method
-Stainless steel file method
-Chemically plasticized gutta-percha
-Injection techniques of obturating canals
-Thermo-plasticized gutta-percha method
-Obtura II, Ultrafil

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