Category Archives: Gum Disease

How to avoid scaling and root planing scam

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Scaling? Root planing ? These are everyday dental terms which sort of sound like something used in the field of engineering or construction. To a certain extent, there seems to be a muddle up of understanding about these two terms, what they are, and why they are even needed. This article aims to clear up the air of confusion.

Like nearly all dental problems it all originates from plaque. Plaque is a soft sticky bio-film formed by bacteria which is rather easily cleaned through the use thorough and proper tooth brushing habits. However, should plaque be allowed to build up (due to improper tooth brushing technique or total neglect of oral hygiene.) it may take up trace minerals in ordinary salivary and harden to form what is known as dental calculus, a tenacious solid mass which is nearly impossible to remove through tooth brushing. Without removal of these substances, you are opening the door to gum infection, tooth loss and even serious internal diseases.

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Sweet, fresh breath is something that all of us want. Have you then wondered why bad breath is so difficult to combat? Have you  invested much of your money in fancy chewing gums, mouth sprays and mouth refresheners that provide only temporary relief from the odor of garlic and other heavy smelling spices after every meal? Does bad breath stand in your way of happiness? It is reported that
there are over 80 million people in the US who suffer from bad breath and an estimated 10 billion dollars are spent by people who seek chemical alternatives to rid themselves of their bad breath as they attempt to spice up their social lives and avoid embarrassment. Continue reading

Relationship between Gum Disease and Heart Disease

Coronary angiogram of a woman

Image via Wikipedia

The number one cause of mortality in the United States since 1900 continues to be heart disease. And gum disease and heart disease appear to be related, thanks to several extensive studies in the early 2000s which suggested that people with gum disease (periodontal disease) were twice as likely to also have coronary artery disease, along with other heart-related health conditions. Both diseases are complex and share some of the same risk factors including smoking, genetics, increasing age and stress. While these studies have not definitively proven that gum disease causes heart disease, they have clearly shown that there is some correlation between the two. The understanding of this relationship and what to do about it is very important.    Continue reading

How does Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) lead to canker sores?

What are Canker sores?

Canker sores are also known as aphthous ulcer. Patients will normally face symptoms such as soreness, burning, or prickling sensation 1 to 2 days before the appearance of the ulcers.

Normal surrounding of your mouth will appear normal or there will be some red macules at the future sites of the ulcers. There are three recognisable type of aphthous  ulcers , minor aphthous ulcers, major aphthous ulcers, and  herpetiform ulcers. Continue reading

Facts that you need to know about gingivectomy and gingivoplasty

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Before and after Gingivectomy procedure

The first 5 letters of either word gives away its meaning that it has something to do with the gingival or more commonly, the gums. However, both these words carry different meanings about the procedure that is been done to the gums. In this article, we shall discuss about them. Continue reading

Oral Health Guidelines for Pregnant Women


When you are an expecting mother or planning to get pregnant it is important to know some oral health factors that would aid and have impact on the health of mother and the growth of fetus.

When to see a dentist?

It is best to see a dentist before you plan for pregnancy. It is easier to treat your dental decays and gum disease before you get pregnant as body changes may complicate some of the dental diseases. Continue reading

Teeth whitening strips

image taken from

image taken from

What are teeth whitening strips?

Teeth whitening strips are flexible thin strips of plastic that are coated with a tooth whitening gel containing bleaching agent. They work by keeping the whitening gel in place against your teeth to remove surface stains ,whiten teeth by deep cleaning and protect teeth from everyday stain buildup. The results can vary, and will be influenced by types of whitening strips used and your diet taken

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All about gum disease Part 2

f) Periodontal abscess

acute periodontal abscess.Image taken from

Periodontal abscess.Image taken from

Periodontal abscess always happen in people who have existing periodontitis that is advanced enough to have resulted in some loss of bone around the root of the tooth. While abscesses usually spontaneously occur in patients with untreated periodontitis, it is more common in periodontitis patients with a systemic disease such as diabetes. Sometimes, severe periodontal infection can spread under lower jaw and down into neck.

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All about gum disease Part 1

What is gum disease?

Gum disease is the disorders of supporting tissue of teeth which will result in ultimate tooth loss if left untreated, but there are several ways to both treat and prevent them. It can be divided into two major stages: gingivitis (gingival disease) and periodontitis (periodontal disease).

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