Category Archives: Oral Surgery

What Dental Corrective Surgery Could Do For You Part 1

Dental correction for better smile @

Dental correction for better smile @

In recent days, owning a perfect face and figure are not impossible. We cannot choose to be borne beautifully but we could enhance our beauty with cosmetics, plastics surgery and dental corrective surgery. Dental plays an important role in the make over as good smile and dazzling teeth contribute immensely to a good look.

Types of Dental Corrective Surgery

Orthodontic Treatment (Braces)

Who needs it?

People having

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Broken Teeth

Tooth structure

Tooth structure

Broken Teeth and Fractured Teeth Overview

Our teeth are  very strong. We have an outer layer of enamel covering which can only be sectioned or cut with diamond coated drills. However, over the years due to hard diets or decay of tooth, the tooth structure of enamel becomes weakened. That is when our tooth can chip and have a fractured tooth (cracked tooth)  and also a broken tooth.

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A guide of Herpes Gingivostomatitis for parents

What is herpes gingivostomatitis?

herpes gingivostomatitis.Image is taken from

herpetic gingivostomatitis picture.Image is taken from

Herpes gingivostomatitis is an infection of the mouth and lips that is caused by Herpes Simplex virus type I is a different kind of herpes virus than the kind that is sexually transmitted.

Herpes gingivostomatitis commonly present with mouth sores with fever in toddlers and young children (10 years of age with a peak incidence at 2-4 years of age). It is also seen in young adults, especially in more affluent communities (15 to 25 years of age).

Once an individual is infected, the virus spreads to regional mass of nerve tissue, where it remains latent but can be reactivated whenever conditions are appropriate (lack of antibody or immunocompromised condition).

How the diseases can be transmitted?

The infection is passed from person to person through contact with saliva that contains the virus (such as sharing utensils, cups, and bottles; thumb sucking; and putting toys in the mouth). Often the contact is with a person who has cold sores. Continue reading

Teeth whitening strips

image taken from

image taken from

What are teeth whitening strips?

Teeth whitening strips are flexible thin strips of plastic that are coated with a tooth whitening gel containing bleaching agent. They work by keeping the whitening gel in place against your teeth to remove surface stains ,whiten teeth by deep cleaning and protect teeth from everyday stain buildup. The results can vary, and will be influenced by types of whitening strips used and your diet taken

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Causes of Sore Gums

19619Have you ever experienced having sore gums whereby your gums feel swollen or painful? Ever notice having red, white or black gums? The gums can be sore or pigmented for a number of reasons and this article is to discuss about the many factors behind it. The article will be split into parts according to common complaints for easy reading. Continue reading

Denture Implants

X-Ray picture of two cylindrical dental implan...

Image via Wikipedia

What are implants?

Dental implants are artificial titanium tooth roots that are placed in the jaw bone for the purpose of restoring lost or deficient function.

Dental implants are usually performed under local anesthesia by an oral surgeon specializing in implantology. Many implants system are available and many factors need to be considered when making a choice.

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Understanding Oral Surgery


Oral surgery  Picture taken from

Oral surgery Picture taken from

Oral surgery is a branch of dentistry which covers the treatment of bone and soft tissues of the head and neck region. It usually involves surgery to cure infections, remove unwanted growth, correct bony mal-alignment, correct jaw functions, repair bony fractures and biopsy. Oral surgery is either done in a hospital set up or oral surgery clinics. Continue reading

Mini Dental Implants – Remedy for loose dentures

Mini Dental Implant Screw

Mini Dental Implant Screw

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are titanium alloys made to replace roots of missing teeth. It is usually surgically placed in the jaw bone underneath your gums and fuses to the jaw bone after certain period of time. Dental bridges, dentures and dental crowns are then placed on top of dental implant for function.

What are mini dental implants?

Mini implants are miniature type of conventional dental implants. They can also be considered as cheap dental implants as they are mostly one quarter to one third of the cost of a conventional dental implant. Continue reading

Endodontic Treatment – What, Why & How

What is Root Canal Treament?

Endodontic treatment is also known as root canal treatment. It is a procedure to clean, shape and fill the root canals of a diseased tooth. Our anterior tooth (incisors and cuspid) has one canal normally except for lower anterior teeth whereby they may have two. Bicuspids and molars have more than one canal. Continue reading

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Tooth whitening has become increasingly popular over the years as people begin to be more conscious of their appearance and yearn to have a ‘Hollywood smile’. Tooth whitening is basically a cosmetic procedure to decolorize or whiten one’s tooth/teeth with the usage of whitening or bleaching products. In order to achieve whiter teeth, one needs to fully understand the type of tooth discoloration or staining involved as this helps dictate the best and most conservative approach.

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