In 1883, Erb wrote that “At the present time we possess in the electrical current one of the most certain and brilliant remedies for neuralgia, although we must admit that we have not made much progress in our knowledge concerning its mode of action in these forms of disease”
Category Archives: Toothache Relief
How to Treat Tooth Sensitivity
Tooth sensitivity is often caused by the exposure of dentin on root areas due to receded gums or periodontal disease. Normally, the underlying dentin of the tooth (the layer that immediately surrounds the nerve) is covered by enamel in your tooth’s crown, and the gums that surround the tooth. This enamel covering may wear down over time, becoming thinner and providing less protection. Your gums can also recede over time, exposing the underlying root surface dentin. The dentin contains a large numbers of pores or tubes that run from the outside of the tooth to the nerve in the center. When the dentin is exposed, these tubes can be stimulated by changes in temperature or certain foods. Continue reading
Symptoms and How to Cure a Gum Abscess/Periodontal abscess
A periodontal abscess is a localized area of inflammation in which there is formation of pus has take place in our periodontal tissues. Periodontal tissues consist of gingiva, cementum, alveolar bone, and the periodontal ligament.
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Ways to Fight a Tooth Ache

Sore Tooth
Toothache is any discomfort, swelling, reddening, irritation, possible abscess formation that occur when the pulp tissue is infected and the teeth nerves are damaged. Toothaches occur due to a myriad of causes and can be very bothersome. It may even interrupt daily function such as eating and sleeping. Follow these simple yet easy steps to ensure yourself a mouth free of toothaches. Continue reading
Tirgeminal Neuralgia or Toothache
How Will You Know If You Are Suffering From Trigeminal Neuralgia or Toothache?
Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic pain condition affecting the trigeminal nerve, which carries the sensation, touch, pain, and temperature from the face to the brains. It is on either side of the face and consist of three branches hence the name. The maxillary and mandibular branch is commonly affected around the cheeks and jaw. Also known as tic douloureux, occurs when a blood vessel (artery or vein) impinges on this nerve at the base of the brain under pressure leading to disruption of its function. The superior cerebellar artery is the most common vessel causing neurovascular compression. Continue reading
How do you know if your toothache is caused by sinus infection?
Everybody will experience dental pain of some sort at some point in their life. When pain occurs at the region around your cheeks, you could bet that it is most likely due to some dental problems; or perhaps probably some gum related disease. However, it does not necessarily mean that teeth/gums problems are always the cause of pain in the cheek region, thus in this article, we’ll discuss about one of the possible indirect cause of toothache – through sinus infection. Continue reading
What Dental Corrective Surgery Could Do For You Part 1

Dental correction for better smile @
In recent days, owning a perfect face and figure are not impossible. We cannot choose to be borne beautifully but we could enhance our beauty with cosmetics, plastics surgery and dental corrective surgery. Dental plays an important role in the make over as good smile and dazzling teeth contribute immensely to a good look.
Types of Dental Corrective Surgery
Orthodontic Treatment (Braces)
Who needs it?
People having
- mal-aligned (crooked) teeth
- unfavorable smile
- difficulty in chewing or speech
- missing teeth or spaced teeth
- unable to bite with front teeth
- cleft palate and lip patients