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Dental relevance of Down syndrome Part 2

O Other Dental Problems

The incidence of macroglossia has been reported as 11-60% in persons with Down Syndrome although the presence of true macroglossia has been questioned by some investigators. There is agreement, however, on the presence of a relative macroglossia due to the small palatal space and hypotonic tongue. Continue reading

Oral manifestations of amyloidosis

Amyloidosis is the deposition of amyloid proteins in body tissues leading to tissue damage. Amyloidosis is classified as either primary or secondary. The former results from multiple myelomaor an idiopathic disease, while the latter is a sequela of a chronic or inflammatory disease process. These classifications are based on the type of fibrillar protein deposited. The primary form usually affects the skin, heart, tongue, and GI tract, while the secondary form, although more common, has no cutaneous manifestations. Continue reading

Non Carious/Decayed Lesion

4.Abfraction lesions
5.Localized non-hereditary Enamel Hypoplasia
6.Localized non-hereditary Enamel Hypocalcification
7.Localized non-hereditary Dentin Hypoplasia
8.Localized non-hereditary Dentin Hypocalcification
11.Amelogenesis imperfecta
12.Dentinogenesis imperfecta

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How Does Your Dentist Remove Your Last Tooth?

The removal of impacted mandibular third molars is a complicated surgical procedure involving soft tissue, muscle and the hardest bone in the skeleton.
Prior to discovery of x-rays, surgeons removed only those teeth which can readily be examined clinically in the oral cavity.
John Tomes (1849) first to describe method of gaining access through a mucoperiosteal flap.

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Definitions In Dentistry Part 1


Oral medicine is defined as that area of special competence concerned with the health of and with diseases involving the oral para oral structures, it includes, principles of medicine that relates to the mouth, as well as research in biological, pathological and clinical spheres, diagnosis and medical management of diseases specific to the orofacial tissues and of oral manifestations of systemic diseases and management of behavioral disorders and the oral and dental treatment of medically compromised patients.

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Odynophagia vs dysphagia


Dysphagia- sticking sensation or obstruction on swallowing

Odynophagia- pain on swallowing. It comes form the Greek words odyno– meaning pain and –phagia meaning swallowing.

These are often used incorrectly. Continue reading

Cheek swelling

Cheek pain, at times, tends to be like one of those unwanted guests who arrive without warning, suggest meekly that they’ll be staying only for a couple of days, overstay, and throughout the entire episode, cause immense trouble and discomfort. Cheek pain causes can range from the medically-driven to the hormone-driven (the latter I will illustrate towards the end of this article). Regarding the former, here are some of the possible reasons for cheek pain and swelling. Continue reading

Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome

What is Gorlin-Goltz syndrome?

It is a multisystemic disease characterized by a predisposition to neoplasms and other developmental abnormalities as will be listed down later. It was 1st described by Robert James Gorlin and Robert William Goltz in 1960.


Other names:

– Gorlin Syndrome

-Naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS)

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