Teeth Extraction Techniques


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Tooth extraction may sound easy but in fact experiences as well as the proper teeth extraction techniques are required to ensure that the tooth is safely out of the mouth. There are generally two methods of teeth extraction – simple or surgical extraction. Continue reading

What is Leukoplakia?



Defined as a raised patch of the oral mucosa measuring 5 mm or more, which cannot be scraped off and which cannot be attributed to any other diagnosable disease.

(This definition did not carry any histological connotation)

WHO 1978
Def : modified
Leukoplakia was defined as a white patch or plaque that cannot be characterised clinically or Pathologically as any other disease.
(Term is unrelated to absence or presence of dysplasia)
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Recession of gums

What is gingival recession?

Gum recession occurs when your root surfaces are exposed as a result of apical migration of your gum position. The pattern of distribution of your gum recession, whether is localized (affect one or two teeth) or generalized (most teeth) is determined by the etiological factor of gum recession.  Studies have shown that gum recession of at least 1mm is present in more than 50 percent of the human population. Continue reading

White Lesion Of the Oral Mucosa Part 4

Corrugated white lesion that usually occurs on the lateral or ventral surface of the tongue in patients with severe immunodeficiency
Most common associated disease is HIV infection
Present in 25% of adults with HIV infection but is not as common in children
Prevalence reaches 80% in AIDS
Epstein-Barr virus is implicated as the causative agent
Occasionally reported in patients with other immunosuppressive conditions (patients undergoing organ transplantation, or on prolonged steroid therapy)
Rare cases may occur in immunocompetent persons after topical steroid therapy

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Basics of Tooth Extraction Part 2

Continued from Part 1.

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Instruments used in dental extractions

As with any other dental procedures, teeth extraction required specific dental instruments to do so. Tooth extraction forceps and elevators are the basic instruments used to extract teeth and they come in numerous shapes and sizes. Most forceps come with a primary or baby tooth equivalent. Continue reading

Basics of Tooth Extraction Part 1

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Perhaps the most affordable option for dealing with a severely damaged or infected tooth is dental tooth extraction. Tooth extraction (also known as exodontias) is the removal of tooth from the mouth. The majority of the public tend to visit their dentist for a tooth extraction more often than any other dental procedures. Extraction of teeth is done for a variety of reasons, as of the following: Continue reading

White Lesion Of the Oral Mucosa Part 3

Also known as solar keratosis
Premalignant epithelial lesion directly related to long-term sun exposure
Classically seen on the vermilion border of the lower lip as well as on other sun-exposed areas of the skin
10% of these will transform into squamous cell carcinoma
Biopsies should be performed on lesions that repeatedly ulcerate, crust over, or show a thickened white area
Seen in individuals with extensive sun exposure and/or fair complexions

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Inferior alveolar nerve Part 1

The inferior alveolar nerve (sometimes called the inferior dental nerve) is a branch of the mandibular nerve, which is itself the third branch (V3) of the trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V). Continue reading