Tag Archives: ankyloglossia

Oral pathology in newborn infants

1)      Epstein pearls:

They are whitish yellow nodules found in the midline of your infant’s palate (the roof of your mouth).  The nodules are around 1 to 3mm in size. Do not worry as they are just a result of epithelial tissues trapped during the fusion of the palate. There is no treatment needed if your baby has Epstein pearls as they will disappear within 1 to 2 weeks of birth. Continue reading

Tongue Tie? Unable to speak Properly? Find Out Why And How to Correct It.

Tongue-tie is also known as Ankyloglossia. It is a condition in which the lingual frenulum is either too short or forwardly placed limiting the movement of the tongue. Reports of partial tongue-tie affecting several generations., suggest a possible genetic basis for the minor variation in the attachment of genioglossus muscle. It may be traumatic or congenital.

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How do I know if my baby is tongue tied?

© Tubes N Tonsils

Any irregularities of the tongue may affect the movement of the organ, which can result in speech or feeding difficulties. The most common problem affecting the tongue is tongue tie or medically known as ankyloglossia. It can occur with different degree of severity which may or may not be related to functional disability of the tongue. Some children or babies have no problems with eating or drinking while some others do. Continue reading