When a practitioner is faced with enforced extraction of a primary tooth it is often a dilemma whether to merely remove the unsaveable tooth , to extract a contralateral tooth from the same arch (balance), or to extract a tooth from the opposing arch (compensation). The following guidelines are intended to assist in making such a decision and to minimise the effect of space loss on the developing dentition. There have been no properly controlled prospective randomised studies into the consequences of early loss of primary teeth, probably due to the difficulty of recruiting subjects for such studies and the need to follow them for up to 10 years. The recommendations given are therefore based partly upon current clinical opinion, although this is supported where possible by the best available research data. There is a need for more research in the area. Continue reading
Tag Archives: dental health
Plaque 101 Part 1
Everyone’s feelings about their teeth are different; some people are better able or willing to follow a home care program than others. What we hope to do is give you a general description of how to remove plaque from your teeth at home. Without a doubt, the most effective way to learn the techniques is to have them demonstrated to you (ideally by your dentist or their assistant). All dentists prefer to have patients interested in prevention. It makes their job easier, and patients actively concerned with keeping their teeth healthy appreciate treatment more. Continue reading
How to Do Oil Pulling for Dental Health
You may have heard of the term “oil pulling” and perhaps you’re wondering what is it? What’s so good about it? Does it really work? And how do you do it? Well, this article tells you just that. Continue reading
How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Dental Health
If you clean your teeth properly and follow nutritional eating habits, you should have healthy gums and strong teeth into your elder years. There are many ways to keep your mouth healthy and one natural remedy is using tea tree oil.
Tea tree oil, also called melaleuca oil, is taken from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, a plant native to Australia. It is a well-known natural disinfectant and has been used for years in the medical and dental professions as an effective antiseptic that is active against many bacteria, virus and fungi, including some that are resistant to antibiotics. However, it is not as effective as oral antibiotics in some conditions. Continue reading
Important Vitamins and Minerals for Dental Health
One of the very important and essential factors to good oral health is the intake of proper nutrition and diet. Nutritional problems can manifests when there is inadequate dietary intake of a nutrient, which can affect our entire body including our dental health. Continue reading
Why is Oral Health so Important?
Don’t you enjoy the refreshing feeling in your mouth after you have brushed your teeth? Sure, cleaning your teeth keep your smile bright and your breath fresh but a proper oral hygiene does more than you think it does.
Why should I have good oral health?
Having a good oral health can be defined as having comfortable and functional teeth that allows you to continue your social role. For those who think in terms of economic benefits and enjoyment of life, prevention pays. How so? If preventive programs are started early (preferably in young children), being free from plaque diseases for a long period is possible. Does it not make a sound cost-benefit investment? Â After all, you need your teeth over a lifetime for eating which also contribute to providing good nutrition to the body for all ages. The presence of teeth greatly improves your speech and a pleasant smile enhances expression of your personality. At rare times, you can even use your teeth as a means of self-defense. On the other hand, the missing or broken-down teeth often results in a loss of self-esteem, minimizes employment possibilities and often affects your social interaction. Continue reading