Freedent, the first non-stick chewing gum, was introduced by the Wrigley Company in 1975. Freedent was developed for those who can’t chew regular gum due to dentures and dental work. As of 2010, Freedent is available in Canada, the U.S., France and New Zealand. Wrigley’s Freedent gum comes in peppermint and spearmint. The ingredients of both flavors are nearly identical; the only difference is the peppermint or spearmint oil used for flavoring. Continue reading
Tag Archives: dentures
About Gum Sores From Dentures
As one gets older in life, you tend to be losing teeth along the way because of tooth decay, gum diseases or trauma. While preservation of teeth for as long as possible may be desirable, it may create greater problems if extractions of teeth have to be postponed till later in life.
Dentures or fake teeth are intended to restore function of your mouth but sometimes they can be responsible for many common lesions found in the mouth including gum sores from dentures. The lesions tend to occur in greater frequency in removable dentures (complete or partial dentures) compared to permanent dentures (bridge or implants) as removable dentures can be distorted or broken with use. Continue reading
How to Care for New Dentures
It is common to feel weird or uncomfortable with new dentures in your mouth especially for those who never had any dentures before. Your dentist might extend the denture base so that the newly fabricated denture will be more retentive . You will feel uncomfortable even though it might be a small change compared to your old denture. Certain amount of perseverance is needed as it takes time for you to get used to your new dentures. Continue reading
How to Decide Between a Dental Bridge and a Post
Dentistry is a very subjective area where a wide range of treatment such as dental bridge or a post is readily available to suit your needs. This can present challenges for both the dental practitioner and the patient in deciding which treatment option suits the patient best, taking into account the advantages, disadvantages, time and cost required to achieve desired results. As the dental practitioner may have very different opinion as to what is ideal, you being the patient need to clearly express your needs to the dentist and have a good discussion to avoid any misunderstandings and setting down reasonable and realistic expectations.
Why does a tooth needs a dental bridge or a post?
Often when a tooth is very broken down, there are several options to manage such tooth. Not pursuing with treatment is always an option, though always not recommended especially when associated with large areas of dental decay and the potential of infection. Another option is to place pins or post into the tooth. The former consist of small screws that are manually drilled onto the tooth while the later is an alloy post that is cemented into the root canal, hence the tooth will need to have been nerve or root canal treated prior to post insertion. Placement of pins or post will provide more retention and anchorage for the dental restoration. The last option is to extract the tooth. After extraction, a gap will be present and this can be replaced if desired. There are several options to replace a missing tooth, such as bridge, dentures or dental implants. Continue reading
Everything you need to know about denture
What is a denture?
Standard denture
A standard denture is also known as artificial teeth. It is removable and made of a type of plastic like material known as acrylic. This plastic plate houses acrylic teeth to replace those that are missing inside your mouth. The plate is pink to mimic your gums and the acrylic teeth are chosen to suit the size and color of your existing teeth. If you lost all your teeth the dentist would choose a color that you prefer. Standard dentures are affordable dentures compared to permanent dentures. Continue reading