In 1883, Erb wrote that “At the present time we possess in the electrical current one of the most certain and brilliant remedies for neuralgia, although we must admit that we have not made much progress in our knowledge concerning its mode of action in these forms of disease”
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How Dentist Can Take Your Pain Away?
Although pain is an important motivating factor for patients to visit the dentist, fear of pain is a major reason for delaying dental treatment. This is because dental treatment is often perceived as a painful experience by patients. However, with emphasis on prevention, minimal intervention and modern atraumatic treatment technique, this not necessarily true. Still, the dentist should develop the right attitude, approach and effective communication skills to deal with different types of patients. A caring and sympathetic attitude and gentle handling of patients will itself to a major extent relax them and reduce their anxiety. There are also several methods available to control pain and trauma during restorative treatment.