Everybody loves to smile, but lately you’ve been hating it because of the state of your teeth and gums. They are a mess, especially your receding gumline. You’re absolutely certain your smile looks more like a jack-o-lantern’s grimace than a genuine expression of warmth. You don’t need to clamp your mouth shut forever, but rather take a stab at a few methods that may help you regrow gums. Gum disease is the leading cause of extensive of gum damage. Feel fortunate that you found out the problem before you developed things like loose and sensitive teeth. If you already have sensitive or loose teeth, don’t waste any more time. Get yourself back to your dentist to get help with your receding gum problem. It’s always helpful to walk in with some knowledge of the receding gum treatments. Continue reading
Tag Archives: gums
How to Kiss With a Partial Denture
Wearing dentures can take a bit of practice, especially when it comes to inserting them and taking them out. Most people will adapt to dentures relatively easily, however, with just a bit of practice. You’ll also find that most normal activities, like speaking and eating, even whistling, can be done with dentures as well. Kissing with dentures is essentially the same as kissing without them. If you’re feeling nervous about the idea, there are a few things you can do to help relieve your anxiety and ensure a pleasant experience for all concerned. Continue reading
Hard Vs. Soft Denture Reline
Denture fitting is so crucial to comfortable use that a slight misalignment can create many far-reaching problems in your mouth. Due to the nature of gums, dentures need adjustments from time to time to properly fit. Gums and jawbone shrink with time as part of the natural aging process. Dentures that may have fit perfectly at first can become unsuitable for chewing as they loosen and slide around. Two types of adjustments are available: hard reline and soft reline. Both types of relines can either be performed in office or by using a do-it-yourself denture reline kit. Continue reading
About Hydro floss Oral Irrigator
What is Hydro floss oral irrigator?
Thе Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator іѕ a dental care system thаt can be used at home. It uses a flow οf water tο irrigate thе spaces between уουr teeth аnd gums that may have been missed by regular brushing and flossing.
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How to Care for Gums and Teeth
Our gums and teeth play an important role in our daily lives.
Without them, we will not be able to enjoy varieties of food or look good, thus it is very important to take care /maintain good oral hygiene. Continue reading
Laser Dental Cleaning
Lasers have been used in dentistry since 1994 to treat a number of dental problems. But, despite FDA approval, no laser system has received the American Dental Association’s (ADA) Seal of Acceptance. That seal assures dentists that the product or device meets ADA standards of safety and efficacy, among other things. The ADA, however, states that it is cautiously optimistic about the role of laser technology in the field of dentistry. These lasers are different from the cold lasers used in phototherapy for the relief of headaches, pain, and inflammation. Continue reading
Tips for Extraction of Baby Teeth
All people at some point in their lives will need to have their baby teeth extracted. The primary reason for extracting these teeth is to make room for permanent teeth. Other reasons for extraction are to prevent the crowding of teeth in the mouth, circumvent tooth decay or prevent injury to the inside of the jaw. No matter which of these scenarios describes your circumstances, there are a number of ways to safely extract baby teeth. Continue reading
The Effects of Lip Rings on Teeth
Piercing is a popular way to decorate the body and enhance features. While the trend is popular, lip piercing does present some problems for the mouth and gums. If you wish to get a piercing, always visit a professional who follows proper sanitary practices. Make sure the piercing and the mouth is cleaned with mouthwash regularly to avoid infection. Good and effective tooth brushing methods must also be establish as it is the fundamental requirement for good oral hygiene. Continue reading
Homeopathic Remedies for Gingivitis
What is gingivitis?
Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gum tissue. It  most commonly occurs in response to bacterial biofilms on the tooth surface, also called plaque. Therefore this form of gingivitis is termed ‘plaque induced gingivitis’. Gingivitis can also occur due to other causes such as hormonal change (eg.pregnancy), systemic diseases (eg. diabetes) and blood dyscrasias. If gingivitis is not treated at the early stage, it may progress to periodontitis, a destructive form of periodontal disease which is characterised by bone loss, pocketing and gum recession. Continue reading
How to Take the Best Care of Your Child’s Teeth
A child’s teeth start to develop before birth. Therefore, it is necessary to start caring for your child’s teeth and gums at an early age. The most important is to bring your child to the dentist when his first tooth erupts into the oral cavity, usually around 6 months of age. The dentist will be able to detect any problems associated with your child’s teeth before they become serious. Establishing a good rapport between the dentist and child is essential to ensure that the child feels safe and able to cooperate during dental treatment. Diet, proper tooth brushing and oral hygiene goes hand-in-hand with your child’s care. Continue reading