What is Impacted Tooth?Â
An impacted tooth is any tooth that is prevented from reaching its normal position in the mouth by tissue, bone, or another tooth.
Why do impactions occur?
Theories & mechanisms of tooth impaction
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What is Impacted Tooth?Â
An impacted tooth is any tooth that is prevented from reaching its normal position in the mouth by tissue, bone, or another tooth.
Why do impactions occur?
Theories & mechanisms of tooth impaction
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A tooth that is partially erupted or unerupted, beyond the date of eruption is defined as an impacted tooth. Any unerupted tooth can be termed as impacted only when root formation is complete and yet retained in an unerupted position.
Our wisdom teeth normally erupt between the ages of 18 to 25. They can give you certain amount of pain especially when they are infected or impacted. I would suggest that you should consult your dental surgeon if you are facing severe wisdom tooth pain. In the meantime, here are some home remedies that you can try out to ease your wisdom tooth pain.
There might be complications after any kind of extraction including wisdom teeth extraction. It is either due to the natural of the surgery itself or due to insufficient experience by the clinician.
1.      Soft tissue injury – The flap that the dentist raised ( cut so that the he can visualize and access to the embedded wisdom tooth) might be tear off during the procedure,it might be due to inadequate size of the flap or he uses excessive force to retract the flap. To manage it, the clinician will smoothen the edges and suture back the flap. The rotating bur that the dentist uses to remove bone to allow removal of your wisdom tooth might injures your lips or any soft tissues if he is not careful. If it happens, Vaseline or any antibiotic ointment can be applied to cool that area and it can heal around 5 to 10 days time.To prevent any scarring or to decrease healing time, you can keep the injured area moist. Continue reading