Tag Archives: pain

Pain in the Face and Mouth Part 4

Continued from Part 3

© rozeklaw.com

Chronic post-traumatic headache

Most persons who have had head injuries have local pain or tenderness at the site of impact for a few hours or even for a few days, after which many become symptom-free. However up to one half of all persons who injure their heads sufficiently to warrant hospitalization develop chronic post-traumatic headaches. Continue reading

Pain in the Face and Mouth Part 3

Continued from Part 2

© chiro.org

Temporomandibuar joint

Pain from the temporomandibular joint may result from dysfunction, trauma, acute or chronic inflammation, or primary or secondary cancerous tumors. Examination may reveal the masticatory (chewing) muscles tender to palpation or occasionally the joint swollen and warm to touch or tender to palpation via the external auditory meatus. Pain from the temporomandibular joint: Continue reading

Pain in the Face and Mouth Part 2

Continued from Part 1

© aafp.org

Acute periapical periodontitis

Pain associated with acute perapical periodontitis:

  • Is spontaneous in onset

  • Is moderate to severe in intensity

  • Persists for long periods of time (hours)

  • Is worsen by biting on tooth and in more advanced cases, even by closing the mouth and bringing the affected tooth gently into contact with the opposing teeth. In these cases, the tooth feels ‘high’ (extruded) and is sensitive to touch Continue reading

Pain in the Face and Mouth Part 1

© tna.org.uk

Everyone has experienced pain at least once in their lifetime. Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential damage or described in terms of such damage. Pain is not only a sensory experience, its relation with tissue damage may not be constant and it is often associated with affective and cognitive responses. Continue reading

Cracked tooth

With their more sophisticated procedures, dentists are helping people keep their teeth longer. Because people are living longer and more stressful lives, they are exposing their teeth to many more years of crack-inducing habits, such as clenching, grinding, and chewing on hard objects. These habits make our teeth more susceptible to cracks. Continue reading

FAQs – Is Conscious Sedation Safe for My Children? (Part 2)













Intravenous (IV) Sedation (continued)

IV sedation performs under a hospital setting with fully-equipped facilities and it can only be administered by a certified anesthesiologist. There are strict rules and regulations set by every state’s Dental Board when it comes to anesthesia equipments and drugs used. Therefore, you should make sure your child is being treated by a qualified and experienced anesthesiologist. Continue reading

What Is Pain?


An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage. [International Association for the Study of Pain 1994]


Pain can also be defined as unpleasant emotional experience usually initiated by noxious stimulus and transmitted over a specialized neural network to the central nervous system where it is interpreted as such.

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How Dentist Can Take Your Pain Away?

Although pain is an important motivating factor for patients to visit the dentist, fear of pain is a major reason for delaying dental treatment. This is because dental treatment is often perceived as a painful experience by patients. However, with emphasis on prevention, minimal intervention and modern atraumatic treatment technique, this not necessarily true. Still, the dentist should develop the right attitude, approach and effective communication skills to deal with different types of patients. A caring and sympathetic attitude and gentle handling of patients will itself to a major extent relax them and reduce their anxiety. There are also several methods available to control pain and trauma during restorative treatment.

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Pain, Swollen and Infected Gums Around The Last Teeth?

Pericoronitis  is  a dental disorder in which gum tissue around molar teeth/last teeth/wisdom teeth becomes swollen and infected. It is an acute infection which refers to inflammation of gingiva and surrounding soft tissues of an incompletely erupted tooth. It occurs most frequently in the mandibular third molar area. Continue reading

How to Evaluate Denture Occlusion

Denture occlusion is no different from natural teeth occlusion. Occlusion refers to your bite, to how well and how accurate the teeth come together and how well the top teeth fit into the bottom teeth when you bite together. If you experience pain when you bite down or chew food, your occlusion may be off and need adjustment. You evaluate denture occlusion the same way you evaluate natural teeth occlusion, with dental occlusion paper and a mouth mirror available from your dentist or a dental supply laboratory. Continue reading