Gum recession occurs when your root surfaces are exposed as a result of apical migration of your gum position. The pattern of distribution of your gum recession, whether is localized (affect one or two teeth) or generalized (most teeth) is determined by the etiological factor of gum recession. Studies have shown that gum recession of at least 1mm is present in more than 50 percent of the human population. Continue reading
Tag Archives: recession
How Does Gingival Recession Occur?
What is Gingival Recession?
Gingival recession is a dental condition characterized by shrinking gums which expose root surfaces and reduces the zone of attached gingiva. It is a precursor for loss of thin cementum surrounding the teeth and wearing of enamel at the gum line. Exposed root is potentially sensitive via exposed dentinal tubules which can transmit stimuli to the pain receptors in the pulp (inner nerve). Cold, hot and sweet stimuli, drying with an air spray and the use of an ultrasonic scaler results in sensitivity. This situation deters the patient from brushing properly leading to plaque accumulation on the root surface and aggravates the sensitivity. It develops during late teens and early 40’s. Continue reading