Tag Archives: responsibility

How to Motivate Your Kids to Brush Their Teeth

Until your kids are about 6 years old, you will probably have to brush their teeth for them. After that, though, it will be up to them to do it on their own. Teaching kids to brush their teeth is not always an easy part of parenting, but it’s something that must be done.

If you have a hard time getting your kids to brush their teeth, empower and inspire them to take “ownership” of their dental hygiene responsibility, by creating their very own dental hygiene kit with them. Continue reading

How to Minimize Cancellations in the Dental Office

Cancelled appointments lead to wasted time and money.

Dental appointment cancellations are a major concern of most dental offices today. Cancelled appointments lead to wasted time and money. According to Dental-tribune.com even when the economy is doing well revenue losses can range from $40,000 to $60,000 per year. This value doesn’t include the potential money that could be earned if the patient did come to the appointment, and further treatments and procedures were needed. Often practice teams place the blame of failed appointments on the patients—their lack of respect for the dentist’s time, their lack of urgency of getting the dentistry done, and just plain rudeness. Although some of the responsibility rests with patients, a significant contributor to the problem is the dental team and the lack of training on communications skills that prevent failed appointments and how to effectively handle and “turn around” cancellation calls.  Minimizing cancellations can be done in numerous ways. Continue reading