Tag Archives: root canal treatment

How to Handle Traumatic Injuries to Your Child’s Teeth Part 2

Continued from Part 1

First aid advice for parent or caregivers

avulsed tooth © kravitzorthodontics.blogspot.com

Always check the child’s clothing for avulsed teeth that are thought to be lost. It is important that parents, caregivers and teachers have assess to appropriate advice on the management of avulsed teeth. Timing is essential and this information can be given over the telephone. Continue reading

How to Handle Traumatic Injuries to Your Child’s Teeth Part 1

© irelandsdentalmag.ie

The management of tooth fracture in children is distressing for both child and parent and often difficult for the dentist. However, trauma is one of the most common presentations of young children to a pediatric dentist. Trauma not only compromises a previously healthy dentition but may also leave a deficit that affects the self-esteem and quality of the life and commits the person to life-long dental maintenance. Continue reading

Tooth Pain After Filling Part 2

Continued from Part 1

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Teeth grinding habit

Clenching and grinding or bruxing of the teeth can cause additional occlusal load or stress to the teeth and may lead to fracture of a restored tooth, causing pain. Continue reading

Tooth Pain After Filling Part 1

© oralanswers.com

Teeth fillings are placed to restore a tooth back to its functional or aesthetic state. Besides tooth decay, tooth filling is also done for cracked and broken tooth, worn teeth, bruxism (teeth grinding) and other reasons. However the problem of tooth pain after filling is done can be quite common. Continue reading

What is an Overdenture for Teeth?

© inclusivedental.com

Advanced periodontal or gum disease usually cause loose or painful teeth. If many of your teeth have become loose or painful, it may be too late for to save them. In such a situation, removing some of your teeth and replacing them with an overdenture may be the best way to avoid infection and restore function and health to your mouth. Continue reading

Abscess Tooth Symptoms

What is an Abscessed Tooth?

A tooth or dental abscess is a localized collection of pus in a sac formed by disintegration of purulent material from a bacterial infection. Invasion of bacteria which cannot be drained results in abscess. An abscessed tooth can be further classified into periapical, periodontal or gingival abscess depending on its location in the oral cavity.

  • Periapical abscess: located at the apex of an  infected tooth surrounding the roots. Continue reading

Why Are Teeth Sensitive To Cold?

Are you refraining yourself from ice cream, cold drinks, cold air in the mornings when you breathe through your mouth causing a jolt to your teeth and forcing you to stay indoors? Even biting on a candy is causingpressure to your tooth? The answer is simple, you are suffering from sensitive teeth. Wondering how did all this happen? It could be due to various reasons from decay to gum disease. Continue reading

What Happens at an Appointment with an Endodontist? Part 2

Continued from Part 1

© agd.org

Cold testing

A cold stimulus such as refrigerant spray is sprayed on a cotton pledget and applied to the tooth under investigation.

Heat testing

A heated source such as a GP stick is applied to the tooth. Continue reading