Tag Archives: root canal treatment

Root Canal Obturation Techniques

Sealing the root canal system with a proper filling material is an important step in determining the success of root canal treatment. This is known as obturation which is done to prevent reinfection of microorganisms into the root canal system. Continue reading

Dental Tools Used in a Root Canal

The following are some brief explanations regarding the instruments used during root canal treatment.

Basic examination kit that is used for examination and diagnosis consists of

(1)Mouth mirror – to provide visualization and facilitate examination.

(2)Periodontal probe –

(3) Sharp explorer – to locate the root canal orifice.

(4)Tweezers/ Cotton forceps Continue reading

What Is the Reason for Root Canal Treatment on Teeth?

Root canal treatment (RCT) is a procedure whereby the pulp of the tooth is extirpated, and filled with suitable filling materials to replace the pulp. It is also known as endodontic therapy, and the sole purpose for endodontic therapy is to remove all the inflamed and necrotic tissues in the pulp, as well as the bacterial component, making the pulp and the root canals of the tooth as clean as possible. Continue reading

Alternatives to Root Canals

credits to sapphirewhitening.com

Root canal treatment can be avoided and some other alternative procedures can be done to maintain pulp vitality if:

(1)    The pulp should have symptoms of reversible pulpitis ( application of hot, cold stimulus will cause sharp pain for 10-15 seconds but resolves upon removal)

(2)    No periradicular disease is shown in radiograph ( no radiolucency/transparency  around the roots)

(3)    Tooth of interest should respond to pulp testing (to test for whether your tooth is still alive)

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Root Canal Treatment- How is it performed?

The Anatomy of a ToothWhat is root canal therapy?

A tooth consists of enamel, dentine, cementum and pulp. The pulp is a living tissue, inhabitated by nerve tissues, blood vessels and cells responsible for tooth formation and repair. Root canal therapy /treatment (endodontic therapy) involves removal of these structure which have been contaminated by bacteria and damaged permanently. The subsequent hollow space is cleaned, shaped and decontaminated using files and irrigants. The decontaminated space is then filled with inert filling material. After root canal therapy, the tooth will be ‘dead’ or non vital because it contains no living tissues. Continue reading

Tirgeminal Neuralgia or Toothache

How Will You Know If You Are Suffering From Trigeminal Neuralgia or Toothache?

Tic douloureux

Neurovascular compression


Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic pain condition affecting the trigeminal nerve, which carries the sensation, touch, pain, and temperature from the face to the brains. It is on either side of the face and consist of three branches hence the name. The maxillary and mandibular branch is commonly affected around the cheeks and jaw. Also known as tic douloureux, occurs when a blood vessel (artery or vein) impinges on this nerve at the base of the brain under pressure leading to disruption of its function. The superior cerebellar artery is the most common vessel causing neurovascular compression. Continue reading

Differences between Dentists and Endodontist

Root Canal Treatment from tdo4endo.com

Teeth have 3 layers namely enamel, dentine and pulp. A dentist deals with almost all kinds of dental diseases. When dentists could not handle certain difficult tooth situation, they usually refer you to certain specialist. Specialist who deals with diseases of dental pulp and nerve is an endodontist (root canal specialist). Continue reading