Gardner syndrome which was ï¬rst described in 1953 consists of adenomatous polyps of the gastrointestinal tract, desmoid tumours, osteomas, epidermoid cysts, lipomas, dental abnormalities and periampullary carcinomas.The incidence of the syndrome is 1:14,025 with an equal sex distribution. It is determined by the autosomal dominant familial polyposis coli gene (APC) on chromosome 5. Continue reading
Tag Archives: supernumerary teeth
Dental anomalies among children
A dental condition where by the patient has missing teeth as a result of their failure of development. The most common missing tooth is the third molars, or known as wisdom tooth.  Hypodontia can be due to genetic or environmental factors.  It is been reported in association with low birth weight, increased maternal age and etc. Continue reading
Delayed eruption of teeth Part 4
Other systemic conditions associated with impairment of growth, such as anemia (hypoxic hypoxia, histotoxic hypoxia, and anemic hypoxia) and renal failure, have also been correlated with DTE and other abnormalities in dentofacial development. Continue reading
The Extra Tooth!
Did you ever wonder why do you find some children with a small extra tooth in between their permanent incisors?
This small little tooth is called Supernumerary Tooth.
A Supernumerary Tooth is one that is additional to the normal series and can be found in almost any region of the dental arch. Most supernumerary teeth are located in the upper incisors region commonly known as mesiodens. Their presence may give rise to a variety of clinical problems in the future for children.