Tag Archives: tea tree oil

Home Cures for Pyria of the Gums

Pyria of the gums means bleeding of the gums, which does not occur in healthy gums. Bleeding of the gums can happen spontaneously, or after slight provokation, like after brushing the teeth. This usually occurs when there is inflammation of the gums, as the blood vessels beneath the gums will dilate and can rupture more easily. This is a serious indication that there is something wrong with your teeth, and should be seen by the dentist as soon as possible. Continue reading

How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Dental Health

© J.Garcia/photocuisine/Corbis

If you clean your teeth properly and follow nutritional eating habits, you should have healthy gums and strong teeth into your elder years. There are many ways to keep your mouth healthy and one natural remedy is using tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil, also called melaleuca oil, is taken from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, a plant native to Australia. It is a well-known natural disinfectant and has been used for years in the medical and dental professions as an effective antiseptic that is active against many bacteria, virus and fungi, including some that are resistant to antibiotics. However, it is not as effective as oral antibiotics in some conditions. Continue reading