Having deep stains, mottled or pitted and discolored teeth can be an embarrassment to some and these stains may need to be restored by a dentist with dental bonding procedures such as composite bonding, veneers or full crowns to provide a more aesthetic appearance. Although not as conservative as bleaching, the procedures may assist in achieving a more wholesome facial image. Continue reading
Tag Archives: teeth veneers
All You Need To Know About Tooth Straightening

Straight teeth
Most of us are not blessed with perfectly aligned straight teeth and sometimes we can become very conscious as to how our teeth look when we smile. Besides being aesthetically unappealing, some people find it hard to chew certain food with crooked teeth. and are unable to clean their teeth properly leading  to problems such as gingivities and caries. If you answered yes to any of these two problems, chances are that you will benefit from tooth straightening. Adult teeth straightening is quickly gaining its place in dentistry as more adults turned to dental professionals to achieve straighter teeth. Continue reading