Tag Archives: wisdom teeth recovery

Guide to Wisdom Teeth Removal

© worlddental.org

The emergence of wisdom tooth normally occurs between 18 to 24 years of age. The prevalence for at least one impacted (which the path of eruption of the tooth is blocked by another tooth or bone which therefore prevents it from assuming a normal position in the mouth) lower wisdom tooth is 72.7% in an age of 20 to 30 years. An impacted tooth is not a disease in itself but is considered an abnormal state. Continue reading

Wisdom Teeth Removal: General Vs. Local Anesthesia

Wisdom teeth removal are frequently done for wisdom tooth tend to have not enough room to erupt in the jaws, being the last tooth to develop and emerge from the mouth (normally between 18 to 24 years of age), which can cause them to be impacted. If the path of eruption of the tooth is blocked by another tooth or bone which therefore prevents it from assuming a normal position in the mouth, it is called an impacted tooth.   Continue reading